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Once Jisung had finished his stressful day of work, he headed home, unexpectedly being met by his father outside the company.

"Yes father?" Jisung questioned, staring nervously at his father.

His father gave him a cold glare, "What's going on with Jiho?" Jisung rose an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"Earlier, someone from the front desk said they saw her leaving quite upset." Jisung gulped, he thought she left quite in a good mood.

"She came to see if I was hungry and wanted to go for lunch." He diverted his eyes from his father, beginning to feel nervous. "I said I wasn't and she left, that was it." 

Jisung's dad groaned, "She wanted to spend time with you dumbass." Shaking his head.

He gave out a snarl to him, Jisung frowning. "I was just busy. I'm sorry."

"You better not mess things up with her, I need her dad to sign off on thing, her family's is a big asset to ours."

Jisung nodded, feeling guilty. Not only towards the lying he's doing towards Jiho, but the secrecy between him and minho.

"I won't."

Jisung's father, quirked an eyebrow, "you better not. I put a lot of work into this and I can't have any screw ups." Jisung's father scoffed and walked pass him, back into the building.

Jisung let out a breath he was holding in for awhile.

He looked back to where his father had just walked back into, "worried for me my ass, you just want me for your own benefit."

Jisung rolled his eyes and took off home.

When he made it home, everyone was there.

"Hyunjin, have you seen Minho?" Jisung asked, seeing Hyunjin quickly hide his hand in between his thighs. Even though, Jisung saw very clearly that he was holding Changbin's hand.

He just didn't know why they were hiding their affection.

Hyunjin pointed to the bedroom, "he's been in there since he got home earlier." Hyunjin smiled nervously, earning a small Chuckle from Changbin beside him.

Changbin watched Hyunjin with ease and love, he couldn't help but fawn over how cute he was.

Jisung thanks Hyunjin and went towards the room, walking in to find a peaceful Minho sound asleep.

Jisung smiled to himself, loving how cute Minho slept while holding the pillow.

Jisung walked over towards Minho, crawling into bed with him. Minho had sensed Jisung coming onto the bed and without opening his eyes, he reached his arm around Jisung and pulled him close.

"You're awake?" Jisung giggled, snuggling closer into Minho's chest.

"Mm, how was work?" Minho asked, hugging warmly and tighter.

"Stressful, my father talked to me after work." He moved his head away from Minho to look into his eyes while he spoke.

"I thought he was at least a bit happy that I wasn't dead, but not anymore. he only wants to use me for his own benefit. Without me, he doesn't get Jiho and her family connections." Jisung sighed.

"I'm sure he loves you Sungs, he just doesn't know how to show it." Minho tried to sooth the conversation.

"I don't know minho, he never shows it."


"What is it Onew?" Jisung's dad asked one of his assistants.

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