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"Soojin you better explain yourself right now!"

It was the next day with Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Jeongin at Soojin's office, demanding any answers they can get.

"What are you talking about? Why are you three even here?" She looked up from her paper work and towards the three boys.

"What did you do with Jisung?!" Hyunjin was furious, blood boiling.

"Hyunjin, calm down. We aren't for sure she really did anything." Jeongin tried his best to calm the taller down but Hyunjin refused to believe that she was innocent.

"You should listen to your friend. I'm as upset as you are Hyunjin, I lost my brother." The woman displayed sadness in her eyes and lips pulled into a frown.

"Something about you isn't right. And from what I was told, you'll be crazy enough to get what you want." Seungmin stepped in, also trying to hold Hyunjin back from attacking her.

"What are you implying? That I'm holding him hostage?" She chuckled but quickly stopped. "Look, you three should be more considerate to people who just lost their loved one! You guys are just bringing nothing more than just pain to our family while bringing false hope that he's still alive! Jisung is dead and you guys need accept it already." She stressfully rubbed her temples.

"I'll let this whole thing slide since you three must still be in shock by his passing. Now, if you guys please leave so I can get some work done." She gestured them to the door and they all glanced at one another.

"I still don't trust you." Hyunjin coldly glared towards Soojin before leaving her office.

The other two followed Hyunjin out, now just leaving Soojin alone in her office.

Her expression and demeanor quickly changed, her blood boiling, irritated from the boys getting into what they shouldn't.

"Those damn boys. I swear if I get caught, I'm  going to ruin them." She snaps her pencil in her hand.


"So how did you guys manage to get our boss's mind off of Jisung?" Minho leaned against the counter after serving Jisung lunch.

"I brought his attention to the biggest mafia up in Busan, they both are now busy trading and making deals. And I'm going to contact many other mafias under his name, so his schedule is extra busy." Chan explained while emailing others right that second.

"You're the best Chan. I'm sorry if Felix is hurting for this." Minho knew how deeply Chan cared for the younger Aussie.

"The best part is that Felix won't be visited by the boss since he'll be to busy. He asked me to keep an eye on him, which I don't mind of course." Chan felt his cheeks heat up.

"He's going to have extra time alone, better not let anyone outside of the room hear you two flirting." Changbin teases the older, his lips pulled into a smirk.

"At least I'm not smothering Jisung about a guy I haven't seen in 5 years." Chan closed his laptop and crossing his arms.

"You just love pushing my buttons, don't you?" Changbin rolled his eyes which didn't go unnoticed.

The two bickering with each other got up from their seats and continued to bicker.

Jisung was watching the two argue as he ate his kimchi.

Minho rolled his eyes at his two friend's argument and turned his focus to the younger who looked like he was watching some kdrama.

He quietly chuckled to himself, thinking how cute Jisung was.

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