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Minho was on his way to Chan's cell room after Seonghwa left straight to Changbin. He hoped his plan would play out smoothly and hoped no one getting hurt nor any serious injuries.

While he made his way down the hall, he noticed some woman who was unfamiliar to him walking his way.

She seemed as she had no business in interacting with the boy and kept her head straight on.

Once the two passed by each other Minho took noticed on the unique eyes this woman had.

He compared them to the woman who shot him a few days ago, being an exact match.

Before the woman got any farther away from him, he swiftly turned and pushed her against the wall and pulled out his gun he carried on him, aiming it at her forehead.

"You have some nerve showing up here!" Minho coldly spoke while the woman only gave a devilish smirk.

"I figured you would notice me at one point, you're aren't dumb as you look." She plastered a smirk, knowing full well he was going to figure it out.

"Why are you here?! Wait-." Minho kept his voice quiet, to not draw any attention.

He thought on why she was walking in the open so freely and no security stopping her.

"You were taken to our imprisonment... then you should've been interrogated and kept in the room." Nothing was adding up for Minho, as to he's never seen this woman in his life yet she roams freely in the building.

"Kid, I'm your uncle's girlfriend. He sent me to spy on you for a few hours, he was very suspicious of you." The woman bluntly spoke.

"That's how he found out about Jisung... Not surprised he would do something like this. Did he want me dead too?" Minho thought to when she shot his arm, wondering what his uncle was thinking.

"He can't have you dead to what I was told. He wanted me to get whatever you were hiding but since you're pretty good at your job I had to shoot you somewhere you wouldn't die. Now can you let me go now?" She raised an eyebrow, already had enough of the situation.

"I'm surprised you're not putting up a fight? You know the boss wouldn't be pretty happy if he knew you're telling me all this." He wasn't sure on if he should believe anything she was saying but he knew his uncle to well to not believe it.

"Please, you think I care what that idiot will do? I know your uncle as much as you do, a little to well. I'm only here to get what I want from him. I'm telling you this because I know you won't bother our relationship, since you have your own to deal with." The woman pushed Minho away from her and was off on her way while he watched, not bothering her anymore.

She seemed no threat to Minho, so he left it at that. But not to leave his guard down knowing now she would still do what his uncle would command.

Minho then was back on his way to Chan's roomful was quick about since he already wasted to much time already.

Once he made it he unlocked the door, swinging it open that revealed the older Aussie boy who's bags were showing and how skinnier the boy had gotten.

"Minho? What are you doing here?" Chan rose from his bed, confused on the sudden visit.

"You guys will finally leave this place, tomorrow." Minho closed the door behind, just in case someone walked by.

Minho told Chan the all details about their escape and what's happened the past few days. Chan was of course on board with Minho's plan, definitely had a feeling this plan could work.

Minho couldn't stay any longer just in case, someone found him speaking with the older.

Before Minho left Chan made sure to stop him.

"Wait, I need to know how Felix is doing. Is he doing okay, or at least doing better than me?" Chan was desperate to know what was happening with the freckled boy.

"Don't worry, he's doing better. He has Jisung with him so he isn't alone." Minho tried to reassure the older, knowing the same feeling.

Chan nodded with his worried frown forming into a small relief smile.

"I have to go now." Minho smiled back, glad he was able to ease his friend from worrying.

At that Minho quickly left, rushing back to Jisung's shared cell room.

He made it back right before the two men came back to their post outside of the room.

Once he was in the dark room he heard soft sniffles coming from the other side of the room.

"Jisung?" Minho quietly yet still audible spoke while he noticed the younger curled up in the bed.

The sheets quickly uncovered a crying boy which didn't go unnoticed by Minho.

"Hannie, what's wrong?" Minho ran to his other and immediately pulled him into his embrace.

"I-It's nothing." Jisung buried his face into Minho's chest.

"You can tell me." Minho laid the both them down into the bed while keeping him in his hold, soothingly rubbing his back.

"I just had a nightmare... when I woke up, you weren't there. I got scared, it felt so real." Jisung's thoughts wondered negative after he woke up, scared for where Minho might be, wanting him once he woke up.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up. Don't you worry whatever your dream was about, it's not real. Lets go back to sleep, I'll make sure to stay right here once you wake up again. I'm not going anywhere." Minho planted a gentle kiss on Jisung's forehead.

"I love you Minho." Jisung had to let the older know as his nightmare still haunted him.

"I love you too." Minho brightly smiled, pulling the younger closer, feeling butterflies.

Jisung smiled once he noticed his sweet boyfriend's eyes closed.

It took a him quite a bit to clear his mind and calm down even when he felt safe in his arms.

Jisung snuggled into Minho's embrace one last time before falling back to sleep, forgetting his nightmare of Minho's death.



Been awhile since I updated! Been so freaking busy haven't had the chance to finish this chapter🥱. So work with me if this chap sucks ass.

Anyways one so much Minsung content these past week🥰. And two skz's new song is called cheese🤭😂. I can't first we got Bts's butter now we got skz's cheese, not hate obviously I just find it funny.

Hope y'all stay safe and healthy and have a great day!!! Please stay safe!! ~ 💜

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