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While Jisung and Minho were still in the older's room, Jisung noticed Minho's uniform jacket on the floor.

He wondered why Minho always had to wear a military uniform out on his shift.

"Minho?" The older responded with a hum. "If you work for the mafia why do you wear a military uniform and why is the mafia hideout in a military base?" Jisung watched Minho finally put a T-shirt on, saying goodbye to Minho's lovely abs.

"A few years ago the cops found out what my un— boss... was up to, you know the typical selling illegal drugs and weapons, so they tried catching him but he was always one step ahead. They didn't know much about us, they just knew that there was a mafia. My boss decided to move to this abandoned military base." Minho leaned against his dresser as he explained.

"We wear these uniforms and have fake military IDs just in case. Heck, the boss has some close friends in the military so if anything happens the military won't touch us." Minho hated the fact his boss was practically untouchable.

"Wow... this really is serious stuff.." Jisung sometimes forgets how dangerous the mafia can be, he now had a worried look.

"Don't worry though, I already told you I'll get you out of here." Minho ruffled the boy's hair which made Jisung feel a little relief.

Then a knock was heard at Minho's front door.

Every time there was a knock at their door Minho would always take precaution, even if it was just Chan or Changbin.

Minho told Jisung to go hide and keep quiet just in case.

He went to the front door and opened, revealing a distressed Changbin.

"What's wrong?" Minho let the shorter boy in.

"I'm fucking stressed! I want to do the right thing but if I do, I'll lose someone... damn it." Changbin stressfully ran his hands through his hair as he plopped on the couch.

Jisung heard the familiar voice and peeked his head out to only see Changbin. Minho gave him the signal that it was alright to come out.

"Minho, never put yourself in this type of situation." Changbin sighed heavily.

"I've already been through it, I get it. I know not to put myself in a position like that." Minho sat next to the shorter.

Jisung perked his head, curious what happened to Minho.

"Oh yeah, sorry I forgot about that." Minho just shook his head, brushing it off. "What do I do Minho? I've just been lying for a week now... I don't want anything bad happening to him..." Changbin laid down, placing his feet on Minho to only be moved by him.

Then Changbin remembered that Jisung knows him.

"Jisung!" Changbin got up from the couch and placed both of his hands on his shoulders which caught Jisung off guard. "When you get back this weekend please protect Hyunjin for me. Don't let anything happen to him for me." This took Jisung by surprise.

"Y-You know Hyunjin? Hwang Hyunjin?" Jisung would've guest they knew each other.

"Yeah... he was an old friend of mine back in high school, but that's not the point, just promise me okay?" Jisung could see the worry in Changbin's eyes.

"Of course, I wouldn't let anything happen to my best friend."

Changbin sighed, "You say that now.." he mumbled.

Jisung rose an eyebrow, "What did you say?"

"Nothing, just try you're hardest protecting him." Changbin argued, rushing out the front door.

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