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He slowly turns around and sees a man dressed in what seemed to be a soldiers uniform and his hair was a dark brown who was just a bit taller than him, aiming a gun towards him.

Jisung freezes and slowly puts his hands up, terrified the other man will shoot.

"Who the hell are you?" The man kept his aim on Jisung with his voice cold.

"H-Han Jisung. C-can you put the gun down?" He wasn't expecting his night to be like this.

"I don't take orders from no one. What are you doing here? Are you a spy?" The man backed him up to the wall asking questions.

"N-no. And besides if I was why would I tell you? Not very smart of you." Jisung blurted out.

"Do you want me to pull the trigger?" Jisung tensed up.

"S-Sorry! Listen I'm just a random business guy who was being chased by another guy with a knife and I jumped the wall. I don't know where I'm at, and I'm not from around here. I own a big business in Seoul. Now can I please leave?" Jisung was trembling, not wanting to get shot.

"Sorry but any one who trespasses this area either gets killed or you're our prisoner." The boy gave no consent as he was suspicious of the boy.

"Where am I?" Jisung nervously gulped the lump in his throat.

"You're in a military base. Now, I don't want to be the one to shoot you so if you will calmly come with me-."

Before the man could finish Jisung ran as fast as he could following the wall, hoping to find an entrance out or some way to climb the wall.

"This kid!" The man began chasing after the boy.

Jisung was running along the sides of the wall noticing that bob-wire was placed on top of the wall, no way getting over the wall.

He didn't know where he was running until he was stopped and the man from before caught up to him and was now in front of him aiming his gun but there was one problem.

The man with the gun now had his foot stuck in raw cement.


"Thanks for warning me about the wet cement." Jisung couldn't help but crack a small laugh.

"I still have a gun."

"Doesn't mean I have my ways of escaping you." Jisung tried to act brave.

"If you escape me then you'll be taken in for questioning, we don't take things lightly here." The man lowered his gun.

"Not if I get don't caught." Jisung was bluffing, he really wasn't sure if he was able to get away.

"It's impossible to escape this place. There are about more than 50 security guards around this whole area and like I said your in a military base with well trained soldiers. If anyone sees you will be will be terribly tortured till you are dead." The man still kept his poker face as no emotions would be able to be used against him.

"Are you kidding me?! I don't wanna die!" Jisung heart dropped.

An idea then popped in Jisung's head.

"Wait, if I help you get out of that cement, you can get me out of here alive." The other man scrunched his eyebrows.

"First, why would I want to do that? Second, how do you know I won't kill you if you do get me out of here?" He then raises his gun causing Jisung to tense.

"I'm just going to have to trust you, and if you refuse to help me I won't let you out of that mess. If I do get caught from escaping I'll make sure to let them know you let someone in and let me escape out of your sites. I'm sure your boss won't be to happy on that." Jisung gave a confident smirk.

"You little shit. You're really going to trust a guy you just met?" The man sighed as he really didn't want to have blood on his hands.

"I don't really have another option if I want to live do I?" Even though Jisung showed he was brave on the outside he was terrified on the inside.

"Fine, I'll help. Now get me out of here before someone finds us here." The other gave in on helping, even if it could risk his own life.

Jisung's lips pulled into a smile and went over to help.

"How do you plan on helping me?" The other raised an eyebrow, watching the smaller think.

"One second." Jisung quickly ran out of sight from the other.

The other man thought Jisung really left him causing him to scoff.

"Here use these to step on." Jisung had came back with two bricks which were pretty heavy for the boy to carry.

"You didn't leave?" He watches the smaller struggle to place the bricks into the wet cement for the other to step in.

"What? Of course not. I said I would help. And I'm trusting you to help me too." Jisung had remembered while he was running away from the other he ran past a pile of bricks.

"You're one brave and stupid squirrel." He steps out of his shoes and steps on one of the bricks.

"Well in a situation like this I need to be, like who knew this would happen. And I don't think I have another choice like I said. Here." Jisung offered his hand to help the other.

He accepts Jisung's help and grabs his hand, successfully getting out of the cement.

The stranger and Jisung froze for a second feeling an familiar aura.

Then Minho notices someone turning the corner.

"Follow me, you won't be able to leave until a few days so you'll need to hide." Without pulling his hand away he pulls the smaller to a safe place he won't be found.

He quickly guides him to the place he will be staying without getting caught by anyone else.

It was a small shack not to far away from the main building, covered by many trees.

They get inside and Minho locks the doors and closes all the curtains.

"I know I shouldn't be complaining on where I'm staying but fo you actually live here?. No offense it's cute and all but it's-."

"Yeah, I do. Some other people part of the m- army live around the base if they have no family or a life." He checks on the time on his phone, almost time for him to go back to the base.

"Oh, well I like your little house. Umm I don't know your name." Jisung was curious about the other even if he wasn't expecting him to get a response.

"I'm Lee Minho."



Hope y'all stay safe and healthy and have a great day!!! ~ 💜

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