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Jisung was in a deep sleep until he woke up with a migraine. He didn't feel like opening his tired eyes, wanting to fall back asleep but his migraine said other wise.

He felt warmth which he found comforting. He snuggled closer, loving the warmth. Until it hit him, he shot his eyes open, noticing Minho sound asleep on his back and his arm around the younger.

Jisung's head was rested upon Minho's bare chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.

He couldn't remember what happened to himself last night and to why he had on new clothes while cuddled up to Minho.

Then a memory suddenly popped in his head from last night, Minho taking off Jisung's shirt.

"What happened last night?! We didn't— right?"

Jisung buried his face into Minho's chest, feeling embarrassed. He remembered what he told Minho while intoxicated by the liquor.

While his face was buried he felt a hand raking through his hair.

"You okay?" Minho spoke with a groggy husky voice.

He watched Jisung pick his head up to look his way and Jisung's cheeks flushing bright red.

"What happened last night?" Jisung was hesitant, feeling his own face heat up.

"Don't worry, nothing happened. I only helped you change your shirt." Minho chuckled at the flustered boy.

"Okay..." Jisung was relieved nothing happened between the two.

He quickly pulled away from the older after realizing he was still cuddling Minho.

"You're quite the handful while drunk. Even while drunk you don't even act your age." Minho shook his head, getting out of bed.

Jisung getting a full view of Minho's back muscles, feeling a bit shy. Something about Minho's bare chest always gave Jisung butterflies.

"Do you want some breakfast?" Minho turned around to face the blushing younger. "Hey, you don't need to get so embarrassed about last night." He came up to the younger, ruffling his locks.

Jisung nodded feeling his own heart beating against his chest. "Yeah, breakfast sounds good." Jisung quickly stood up, centimeters away from Minho's face.

Minho snaked his arm around the younger's waist, pulling him closer against his body. He used his free hand grazing it against Jisung's cheek, causing him to blush even more by his gentle touch.

He cupped his cheek, tilting his own head.

Jisung's brown eyes grew and his heart beating loudly with a flutter.

Minho leaned in towards his ear with Jisung's eyes following.

"I just love teasing you. I'll go make your breakfast." Minho whispered in his ear with a low chuckle.

He pulled away showing his playful smirk, which Jisung didn't find funny.

Minho then left the bedroom leaving with Jisung having he urge to pull Minho back and even having the urge to kiss him?

"Gah!" Jisung stressfully ruffled his hair, trying to get rid of his lustful thoughts.

He made his way out of the bedroom and went straight to the table, once again watching Minho cook the food.

To distract his mind of all those lustful thought he had towards Minho he went on his phone.

He remembered from last night the news that was widely spread throughout Korea. He couldn't believe they assumed he was dead but he couldn't blame them, he hadn't contacted no one for weeks.

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