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~ present day ~

"Finally finished!"

Jisung was busy working at his new company that was already taking off well.


"What is it this time? I just finished all of this paperwork~! Please tell me I don't have anymore appointments for today." Jisung interrupted his assistant, wanting to go home.

"Well your father wants to speak with you." His assistant who was known as Hwang Hyunjin, knew his boss was already exhausted from his long day.

"Aish! Fine, gives these to Jeongin while I go see my father. And don't forget to lock up." Jisung hands the paper to the boy who had the long bleached hair.

"Got it."

Jisung exits his office and heads to his father's home, what used to be his own.

It didn't take long to get there and he arrives at the mansion.

"You wanted to see me?" He enters the dining room where his father was seated with his older sister and her husband.

"Yes, have a seat. Join us for dinner." His father gestures him to sit while his sister had a blank poker face expression.

"You didn't tell me you invited Jisung." His sister who was known as Soojin gave Jisung a cold glare.

"I knew you weren't going to come if I told he was coming, same goes for you Jisung." The two siblings had always never got along, ever since they were children.

"Can we hurry this up." Jisung didn't want to be there any longer he needed to be.

"I wanted to speak with the both of you on who will take over my company since I'm at the age I should be retiring. I've thought long and hard about this. I want Jisung to take over." He gave a smile to his son who had his mouth hung open.


Both Soojin and her husband, Donghyuk, stood out of their chairs in shock.

"Why are you giving it to him?! Wouldn't it be right for me to take it since I'm the oldest. Besides isn't he a bit young?" Soojin insisted she takes her father's place.

"I think he would be best fit, and 24 is a tad young but better to start sooner." Their father was set on his pick.

"Father this is unfair-!"

"I chose Jisung and that is final. Now Jisung, do you accept to take my place for this company?" He turns his focus to his son, waiting for a response.

Jisung thought about it for a moment. He really didn't want to take over his father's big corporation, he didn't even want the business he had now. His father handed him a small business that eventually turned huge across Korea.

But seeing his sister not getting what she wants was humor to him.

"I'll do it." Jisung eyes his sister down with an intriguing smirk.

Her expression went cold which made Jisung laugh.

"Now, I'll be leaving now. We'll talk about the details later." Jisung took his leave without glancing back.

"Shit! Why did I say yes?"

"You said yes?! Don't you have enough on your hands?! I thought you didn't want all this?"

Jisung was at his cozy apartment that was quite big and pretty expensive. He was on the phone with his good friend and assistant Hyunjin.

"I regret it but seeing my sister's face was hilarious! Besides it's about time she doesn't gets something she wants." Jisung always tried getting along with Soojin but once they got more older he gave up.

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