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"Dude, share the damn blanket." Jisung muttered, pulling the blanket closer to his side of the bed. Minho groaned, "It's my blanket, get your own."

Jisung groaned, opening his eyes and pushing himself up forward. He looked to the side, noticing Minho was asleep.

"Hey, you ass." He pushed Minho's side, causing Minho to jolt up.

"Oh my god, what!?" Minho's groggy eyes opened.

"Share. The. Damn. Blanket." Jisung spoke with demand. Minho rolled his eyes.

"This is my blanket, it's not my fault you spilled your drink on the blanket I gave you and all over the couch."

Minho layed back down pulling his blanket even closer to him, snuggling himself even more.

Jisung sighed, giving up and layed back down. He had no blanket and he was cold. He rolled up into a ball, hugging his legs.

Times like this with Minho, are when he'd miss home the most.

About 10 minutes had gone by and Jisung still hadn't been able to fall asleep, as to Minho who was fast asleep.

Jisung quietly and slowly got up, stepping off the bed and making way into the living room.

He made sure to close Minho's door half way.

He sat on the couch and sighed. He layed down on his side and his mind had begun to think.

He missed his friends, he missed being able to call them and joke around with them. He missed the way he'd get home from work and get to shower comfortably in his own shower and snuggle in his own king sized bed.

How he was able to step foot out of his place and not have a fear of being murdered or caught as prisoner.

He missed all the nice restaurants and vacation spots he'd go to every now and then, the company of those he was actually sincerely close to.

Being here has been to long, and the longer he stays it's like he's never going anywhere.

He hadn't noticed but he had begun to tear up. The way he had noticed was when he felt a hand on his cheek, wiping away the tears.

His mind took a pause on the past and his vision cleared to a view of another boy. "Minho.." his voice was shakey.

Minho hadn't said anything and just pulled the boy up, crashing him into his chest. "It's okay." He rubbed Jisung's back soothingly.

Jisung didn't fight it, instead he wrapped his arms around Minho's neck and cried into his chest.

Minho just hugged tighter, letting Jisung cry as much as he felt too. He knew Jisung was upset and he didn't know any other way of comfort rather than a hug.

Minho wasn't big with affection, but he wasn't all that dumb. He picked up on some stuff, and a hug he found to be a good comforting method.

He rubbed Jisung's back, one hand raking through Jisung's hair.

His shirt was getting wet, and the vibrations from Jisung crying had seemed to slowly slow down.

Minho had slowly leaned forward, laying Jisung down onto the couch while he was still holding him.

He was originally going to lay Jisung down and get him some water, but the moment Jisung was down, he grabbed Minho's wrist.

Minho looked at the boy's red puffy eyes and hands which were still holding onto him.

"Can you lay here?" Jisung asked. Minho couldn't explain what he had felt at that moment, but he felt completely hurt by just seeing Jisung so upset and next thing he knew, he was laying beside Jisung.

Jisung had scooted over for Minho to fit, using Minho's chest as his pillow while he hugged him.

Minho was laying on his back, thinking about the situation he was in.

Never once has he ever been in some kind of situation like this. Never once has he been so intimately close to someone.

This was new to him, and even though he wanted to freak out and go back to his room, his want to stay and comfort Jisung was stronger.

His breathes were steady, rubbing circles on Jisung's back in hopes of comforting him. He closed his eyes to try and sleep and slowly he found himself getting sleepier and sleepier.

"Minho..?" Jisung's soft voice whispered.

"Hmm?" Minhos hummed, opening his eyes to look down at Jisung.

"Thank you.." Minho smiled warmly and closed his eyes once more, and this time he fell asleep in the holds of Jisung.

Morning had come quicker than the two boys hoped.

Jisung woke up first, his eyes opening with the feel of them being puffy from crying last night.

He lifted his head to look up, and he was quickly met with Minho's sleeping eyes.

Minho had his arms wrapped around the younger, squished together tightly due to the width of the couch. Jisung smiled, staring at Minho's features.

He took his pointer finger and began to softly feather touch Minho's forehead, down to his cheek following down to the chin. He made way to his nose, and scoffed and a cute quiet chuckle. He continued his path until he reached Minho's lips.

They were pink and thin, but not to thin. They were actually extremely perfect. He ran his finger along Minho's bottom lip, smiling to himself as he found entertainment in feeling the boy's lips.

They were soft, and pretty.

Jisung, moved his hand away from Minho's face and sighed with a small smile.

He slowly took Minho's hands off of him and gently made his way off the couch.

When he had seen he'd successfully made it off, he went into the bedroom and grabbed Minho's blanket.

He walked it over to the couch and cover Minho with the blanket, making sure every inch of him was covered.

He leaned down a little, hand reaching out for Minho's front hair. He gently pushed back his hair out of his face. "Rest up."

When done making sure Minho was comfortable, he smiled and made way into the bedroom to borrow some of Minho's clothes and freshen up.

Although, what he hadn't known was from the moment he had woken up, Minho had already been up.

Minho had felt every touch Jisung stroked. The way he softly grazed his fingers on his lips. The comfort of covering him with the blanket and pushing his hair out of his face.

He felt it all, and he couldn't help but feel happy about it.

Everything Jisung had done somehow warmed Minho's heart. It was a sweet feeling and with that, Minho had snuggled into the couch and fell back asleep.



Ateez's fever pt2 album AMAZING! Obsessed with everything abt it and obsessed with them.

I miss Mingi...

And Hyunjin...

Hope y'all stay safe and healthy and have a great day!!! ~ 💜

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