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"Binnie? It's me Hyunjin, I'm coming in." Hyunjin opened the door, revealing the older crying with his head in his hands. "Binnie . . ."

Hyunjin ran to the older's side worried.

"Hyunjin not now, I want to be alone." Changbin pushed him away.


"I said not now!" Changbin snapped leaving Hyunjin in a shock.

Hyunjin was worried for the older, he knew when anytime Changbin would snap when he's stressed.

He did as told and left the room, he wished the older would talk to him but he knew to give him his space.

Hyunjin had gone back to the living room where everyone else was. Throughout the day he couldn't help but worry for Changbin, he knew he was stressed and hurting, he hoped Changbin would talk to him about it.

Later that night Hyunjin was about to leave with the rest but before he decided on leaving he went back to Changbin's room to say his goodbye.

He knocked on the door a few times before hearing Changbin's voice.

"Who is it?!"

"It's Hyunjin. I wanted to say goodbye since I'm leaving. Wanting to know if you're okay." Hyunjin softly spoke but still loud enough to hear from the other side.

The door then opened, revealing a tired Changbin.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. I hope you have good nights sleep. Be safe going home." That's all Changbin said, closing the bedroom door.

"Wait." Hyunjin stopped the door from closing with his foot, catching the older's attention. "Before I go, you don't have to tell me what's wrong but please let me know if you need someone by your side or someone to hold." He knew Changbin was never good at saying how he truly feels, covering it by acting cold.

"I-I would really like that. Please . . . stay with me." Changbin's voice broke, holding in his tears.

"Of course binnie." Hyunjin softly smiled at the older, making his way into the room.

Changbin took no time to pull the younger into his embrace with red cheeks.

They both headed to the bed, not letting go of each other.

Once the two were buried under the blankets and Changbin in Hyunjin's arms, they put a movie on the tv to fall asleep to.

They took no mind to the movie while they both were distracted by each other. Warm smiles and laughs there exchanged, enjoying the company of one another.

It didn't take long for Changbin to once again fall fast asleep in the arms of the boy he loves. Hyunjin looked down at the sleeping boy with a smile, planting a gentle kiss on Changbin's forehead.

He pulled the older tighter in his embrace and turns the tv off to get ready to fall asleep.

Once he was comfortable he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep with the other still in his arms.

Hours later go by about 4 o'clock in the morning, Hyunjin wakes up from his slumber.

He was woken by the older who was turning in his sleep and began mumbling. Hyunjin took a closer look and noticed how distressed he looked with sweat dripping down from his forehead.

Changbin's mumbling got louder and his movement more frantically.

Hyunjin quickly placed his hand on Changbin's cheek, soothingly rubbing his cheek with his thumb.

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