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Jisung once again was left alone in the house while Minho had gone somewhere on a quick errand.

It wasn't to long till Minho came back.

Jisung noticed the older finally had came back and turned his focus back to his phone.

Minho had a grin on display, making his way towards the younger, hiding something behind his back.

"I have a surprise for you." Minho grabbed his attention, Jisung looking his way.

Minho handed him one train ticket that had tomorrow's date. He watched Jisung's eyes grow big and a smile appearing.

"It'll be difficult but I'm going to make sure you go home tomorrow safely." Minho smiled softly, watching the excitement in Jisung's eyes.

"Thank you Minho!" Jisung excitedly threw himself onto Minho, which startled him.

"Instead of getting you out of here in a few days I decided to make it sooner. I know how much you want to go home." Minho was hesitant to hug back since he wasn't much of a hugger but ended up slowly wrapping his arms around the younger.

"Finally back to my normal life! Thanks again Minho!" Jisung pulled away displaying a bright heart shaped smile.

"Don't thank me just yet, we never know what's to come. Don't get your hopes to high." Minho ruffled the brunette's hair.

"Okay, but even if tomorrow doesn't work out I know you'll keep your promise." Jisung trusted the older.

Minho watched the younger excitedly go back to the couch, hoping things go well.

The next morning, before the sun was barely peaking over the landscape, Jisung was getting dressed from his sleepwear which were just Minho's clothes into his suit he originally came in.

"Can I keep the shirt I like? It's so comfortable and kinda my style." Jisung came up to the older who was on his bed busy doing whatever on his phone.

"No." Was all Minho said.

"Come on don't you want me to keep something of yours I can remember you by." Jisung teased with a goofy smile.

"After I get you safely onto that train it's better if you completely forget about me and you being stuck here. Besides I like my clothes to much to give them up." Minho kept his eyes on his phone.

Jisung's goofy smile formed into a pout, until he thought of something.

Jisung brought out his phone and sat next to the older.

"Minho, look." Jisung caught Minho's attention, once Minho looked up Jisung snapped a picture of the two.

"Hey! Delete that." Minho attempted to grab his phone but Jisung pulled away.

"No. You're my friend, I have to have some sort of memory of you." Jisung lips pulled into a smile.

"Do what you want. Just don't miss me to much." Minho gave a smirk and wink before leaving the bedroom.

Jisung felt heat in his cheeks and a little flutter in his stomach. He shakes off that unfamiliar feeling, chasing after the the older.

Minho grabbed his coat and his keys, waiting for the younger at the front door.

Once Jisung slipped on his shoes, they headed out the door. It was the first time Jisung had stepped outside since he's been stuck in the house.

"We are going to meet up with Chan and he is going to sneak you out of here, while I wait in the car." Minho explained to Jisung who responded with a nod, couldn't wait to leave.

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