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"Seonghwa!" Minho called out for the other who waited in the car.

Seonghwa popped his head out the window once he heard Minho's voice.

"You guys made it out! I was getting worried." Seonghwa was grateful for the four successfully escaping. He then took noticed an unfamiliar face hiding behind Minho. "You must be Jisung. It's nice to finally meet you." Seonghwa greeted the younger, excited to finally meet Minho's boyfriend.

Jisung gave a small smile. "Thanks for doing this. In exchange I'll make sure to give you whatever you want once we get to Seoul."

"You don't have to that, just getting you guys out is enough. Which we should get going but have you guys seen Changbin? He went out looking you guys." Seonghwa was getting worried since he didn't see the said boy with the group.

"What? That wasn't part of the plan. He was supposed to stay in the car with you." Minho cursed to himself and quickly pulled out his phone.

Before he could call Changbin the group notices the missing boy in the distance, soon Minho noticed to.

"Changbin! Why did you go looking for u-." Minho noticed the fear in Changbin's trembling eyes and how his hand that held a gun was shaking. "What happened?" Minho quietly asked.

Changbin looked up, looking into Minho's eyes.

"I-I killed him . . ." It was difficult for Changbin to say anything as he choked on his own words.

Minho knew instantly who he was talking about and was nothing but in shock.

"You're sure he's dead?" Minho wasn't able to properly wrap his head around the news.

Changbin slowly nodded.

Minho knew the older wasn't lying since this was how he always acted after taking someone's life.

Minho pulled him into a comforting hug, knowing how traumatized he is.

He was also still shocked for himself, he wasn't happy but he wasn't sad either. All the pain this man brought to everyone around him made Minho's blood boil, but now knowing he was dead and all he left behind now were people traumatized. He wished he could be jumping with joy but it seemed difficult for him to process this.

"You guys have nothing to worry about now, you'll get to see Hyunjin again." Minho tried to ease his friend the best he could.

"Yeah . . . I'm just going to need some time to clear my mind first and it's going to be odd not having you around. Still not coming?" Changbin forced himself to talk, trying to ease his mind with something else. "He's gone now."

"This gives me a lot of more opportunities to find out so much shit he hid from me. I'll be with you guys once I'm done with what I have to do. Take care of yourself, don't let what just happen get to you." Minho hoped the older wouldn't beat himself up over what happened even tho it was understandable too.

"I'll try. You take care of yourself too. Come back to us once your done, Jisung would love that." Changbin gave Minho a goodbye side hug.

"It'll be for a while." Minho beamed a small smile.

The two then gathered to the rest of the group.

The rest went to say their goodbyes to Minho before heading into the car.

"You better come to Seoul as soon as possible for Jisung or I'll come beat your ass and I'll-." Felix was interrupted by Chan picking him off of his feet and taken to the car.

Jisung watched and giggled at Felix's outburst on Minho.

"I'm going to miss you like crazy Sungs." Minho watched Jisung's giggle slowly die out and his eyes to the ground.

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