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"Jisung stay behind me." Minho commanded without taking his eyes off of the man in front of him.

He didn't find this man to be a threat since he's takin him down once before.

"Minho your arm isn't fully recovered, you need to be careful." Jisung was worried for Minho to injure himself anymore.

"Don't worry, yes it's still healing but I'll do anything to protect you. Besides, it won't be as much pain since the day I got out of the hospital. I couldn't protect you then but now I can." Minho hated for himself to let his guard down so easily, hated himself for not being strong enough that day.

Jisung's heart fluttered at Minho's sweet heroic words.

"Enough chit chatting you two!" The man rushed towards Minho, tired of the gush he was witnessing.

Minho immediately ducked when he threw the first punch and swiftly swiped his leg under the man's feet, causing him to fall to the ground.

Before the other man could get back up Minho hovered over him, pulled him and rammed his head into his, knocking him out cold which lead Minho with a headache.

"Come on, we need to find Chan and Felix quickly. Then Changbin and Seonghwa will take you guys and leave far away from here, back to your home. You'll finally be leaving." Minho's lips pulled into a sad smile as that last sentence left his mouth.

He grabbed Jisung's hand and was about to rush out the door but Jisung stayed in place, pulling him back.

"I'm leaving? For sure?" Jisung looked straight into the older's with nothing but teary eyes. "I-I don't want to leave you just yet. I'm not ready too... Not yet." Jisung was beginning to panic as he didn't want to say goodbye just yet.

Minho felt the heart aching pain in his eyes, feeling the same as Jisung but maybe even worse to the plans he has for later that he hasn't told Jisung about. Plans that could take quite a long time and not knowing exactly when he'll see the younger again.

"Jisung I know you don't want to leave and I don't want you to leave me but," Minho brushed Jisung's hair back. "you have to go back to your regular life. You have friends who are probably worried sick. It's time to leave." He felt his own heart ache even more when Jisung rested his head on Minho's chest.

"I hate this... but when I leave, I know you'll still have the debt to pay and probably some secrets I don't know you have to deal with, will you come visit me at all? Just a day? A few hours? Or even call me? I'll even take a text just to know you're okay." Jisung looked back up into Minho's glossy orbs with his own teary eyes.

Minho heavily sighs, couldn't bare to look into his eyes. He pulled him into a what felt like a goodbye hug.

"We won't be able to see each other after this, not for awhile at least. You'll be safer without any contact with me, I'm sorry..."

"Be safe for me, I don't want anything bad happening to you Minho."

The older boy held the smaller into a tight embrace as a few tears were uncontrollably spilled, not wanting to leave one another.

They stood there for a moment but not to long where anyone could pass by and notice or the passed out man waking up.

"I hate crying while still a little sick..." Jisung pouted while sniffling. "I wish I could kiss you but I'm still si-."

Jisung was cut off by Minho pulling his chin up to face him and a pair of soft lips pecking his lips ever so gently yet still loving.

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