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"You said you wanted to speak with me?" Chan entered into the boss's office, already knowing what's to come.

"Yes, about our foreign prisoner. Since he hasn't been giving us the information we need from him, I'm getting a little impatient." The boss folded his hands together as he rested them on his desk while leaning forward.

"I need you to stop being nice to him and start forcing the information out, it's been 6 months already." His boss was stern, demanding orders.

"What if he still refuses to say anything?" Chan nervously gulps the dry lump in his throat.

"I guess we can always kill him. Then force his family to give us what we want." He leaned back in his chair, thinking.

Chan's heart dropped as he heard those terrible words come out of his mouth. He tried his best to not show any emotion, or he'll emotions will be used against him.

"I don't think thats a great idea sir." This caught his boss's attention.


"Taking the chance of killing the son of another mafia's son wouldn't be such a good idea, a war will break and the last time I checked on them they have a lot more people working for them then we do. And they are allied with the biggest Italy's and America's mafias. They'll take us down in less than 24 hours." Chan did his best to buy himself more time to find a way to save the boy.

"I forgot about their alliances. You have a good point. Find more information about Italy and America. Then I'll take what Australia's mafia has. For the time being just make sure the little brat isn't planning anything." He lets out a sigh. "This is why I trust you, way more than my own blood. Keep up the good work."

He finally dismissed Chan.

Chan felt relief wash over him, getting the prisoner boy out of a death sentence.

He quickly went to see the boy.


"Minho? What do you usually do when you aren't working?" Jisung sat next to the older who was busy on his phone.

"Nothing much, I guess I'm just to busy with work. I don't get a lot of time off." Minho was nonstop with work.

"Doesn't Chan and Changbin hangout with you?"

"It's rare when they do, none of us have much time to." Minho wished he could have some breaks to what he thought was hell.

"Your whole life evolves around your work?" Minho nodded. "Come on you need to have some fun. Get your mind off of everything too." Jisung stood up as Minho's eyes followed.

"What do you do to have fun?" Minho couldn't think the last time he actually had some free time to have fun.

"Well with my friends back home we usually go somewhere like the mall, out to a bar, or even the movies. Just need the right group of friends to go out with. But in our situation we can play some bored games, you got any?" The younger wanted to help make the older become less stiff.

"No, didn't think I needed it." Minho watches the younger rethink.

"Doesn't look like you have a gaming console either so how about a fort." Minho rose an eyebrow to the suggestion. "Come on, you're never to old to build a fort." Jisung went straight to the older's bedroom.

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