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Minho's smile faded, hesitant to speak. "The only problem is all we can do is stay as friends, even if I really want you to be my boyfriend." Minho leaned in, his heart pounding against his chest while on top of Jisung with his lips centimeters away from his.



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Jisung was now smiling ear to ear, his heart fluttering with flushed pink cheeks.

He gently placed both of his hands on each side of Minho's blushed cheeks, pulling him closer where their lips closed the space between them.

The kiss was gentle and filled with nothing but sweetness and want.

They both pull away, Jisung softly rubbing Minho's cheek with his thumb.

"Why do we have to stay as friends? No one will know except for us." Jisung was just happy with Minho returning his feelings but apart of him wanted more than just friends.

"Because there isn't a point getting together if I'm never going to see you again once I get you out of here." Minho gave sad eyes as he raked Jisung's hair.

"W-wait, never? Why?" Jisung sat up with sadness filling his eyes.

"I have a de-."

"A debt to pay I know! But it won't take your entire life right?" Jisung was tired of Minho's same excuses.

"No, just a few more years unless I give him the rest of the money my dad owes him sooner." Minho was a bit taken by Jisung's sudden outburst of annoyance.

"Then I'll wait for you. I won't look at another man while I wait for you. You're the only man I have eyes for." Jisung didn't break eye contact, being truthful to every word that slipped off his tongue.

"Don't do that for me. You should live your life without being held back by me. Even I want you to be mine, you'll be happier with someone who isn't me. Someone who won't bring trouble their way." Minho gazes down at their hands, reaching for Jisung's soft delicate hands.

"Hyung, don't say that. I won't be happier with anyone else but you. And if you like it or not I will wait. I don't care if you find other people when I leave, just know I'll be waiting." Jisung wasn't going to change his mind.

"I don't think I can find anyone else either. Damn it Jisung, why do you keep doing this to me?" Minho crawled back on top of Jisung which surprised the younger.

"Being the beautiful person you are with the best personality. Being the most stubborn person I met. You just keep pulling me in every time, making me fall even harder for you. Han Jisung, be my boyfriend." Minho couldn't bare the sadness and eagerness in Jisung's eyes, maybe they both could take the risk for their selfishness desires.

Jisung excitedly nodded yes, his lips pulled into a bright heart shaped smile. He couldn't be happier.

Minho without realizing had a bright smile that Jisung absolutely loved.

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