November 11, 20xx 12:09 a.m

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Nov. 11, 20xx

12:09 A.M.

        I cannot sleep. My head hurts because of all my thoughts. I pray hard to God to brng me my old life back. I beg Him for simple things to return. In my prayers I tell Him how I want you alive again so our little games and silly chitchats will be my only worry, I wish to think about shallow stuff and deal with my insecurities, I long for my life to be the way it was. But it seems He is deaf to my pleas.
       But I also can't help but think, what if how things were already terrible, and I just never took the time to notice them? What if the only reason I'm complaining is because this is happening to me? If this didn't happen to me would I feel the same way?
        I came across an article about how minors are “just collateral damage” of the extrajudicial killings according to the president who is also notorious for his rape jokes which most Filipinos just laugh at. I commented on that post saying, “This is so insensitive to the family of those who have been killed. Shame that this is coming from the president himself.” One internet user I argued with claimed that it's more insensitive to the victims of these drug users who are known for raping, stealing and doing petty crimes if the he doesn't wag war against them. I rebutted claiming not all drug users are guilty of such crimes and that these drug suspects must still undergo a court trial according to our constitution. The guy called me a “dilawan” and “nagmamagaling”.
      I don't know if this guy is just a troll or a real DDS. But I learned something from him. What if I never knew Kuya Ian? I would never be vocal about this. In fact, unless a teacher ask for my political stand on social problems, I would just brush off my thoughts about them like I always did. If I hadn't known him I would most likely never care about the killings. I realize as long as we are not affected and the pursuit of our interest are not hindered, most of us wouldn't care. I guess the best way to make others see how inhumane the extrajudicial killings are, we should make them feel that they are affected. Ooh! That must be the reason why the government keeps on reinforcing the fact that you wouldn't be affected if you're not a drug user. Now, I understand.  
        My gulay, I haven't done my assignment in arts yet. I completely forgot. I will do it now.

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