November 26, 20xx

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Nov. 26, 20xx
12:22 A.M.

Dear Diary,
                 Rob accompanied me to visit Jenna.  We went outside and rode a bike to go to their house to avoid the sketchy shortcut alley that I promise myself to cross one day. But even after taking the long way, when we arrived Jenna wasn't back yet from her shrink, so we waited until she returned.
                    While waiting he told me I was the talk of the whole school. Even the teachers were surprised because of what I had done. I just laughed it off. Now they know not to mess with me, I told him.
                   Rob updated me with what happened the whole day. He said the usual lazy teachers were absent, they had a quiz in English, and Mr. Santos had his students present their artworks. He told them that the reason why he makes us draw. He explained
              “Mr. Santos explained to us that because of puberty we will feel emotions we have never felt before,” Rob told me trying to recall the Ted Talk Mr. Santos gave them. “And he wants us to express those feelings be it love, peace, anger, disappointment, or whatever so that we can express them healthily because we will have to relieve ourselves from what we feel one way or another.” Rob remarked on how cool Mr. Santos is and I can't help but agree.     
               Rob was also the one who broke the news to me that Chard's parents were having an annulment. I really felt sad about that. I can't imagine what Kuya Chard must be going through. Hearing about that simmered down my anger at him. I still don't understand why people have annulments. Don't they love one another? It's  sad and their children will also suffer because of that.
               “But at least in the Philippines we have annulment instead of divorce. The slow process might change their minds from getting one,” I told Rob. He doesn't agree. He said divorce should be passed into law in the Philippines.
              “Surely, the Catholic Church will disagree with you,” I said.
              “Jesus Christ Himself disagrees with the Catholic Church's stand on divorce,” Rob said.
              “What do you mean?” I asked.
              “Jesus Christ was asked about divorce and He said it is for men's hard hearts that is why Moses allowed divorce. Jesus never forbade it. I don't know who the Church represents with their stand on that issue, but I don't believe it's Christ,” he boldly claimed.
             “But isn't annulment enough? Why the need for divorce?” I inquired again.
              “Annulment discriminates the poor,” he firmly stated. “If the Divorce Bill would ever pass it is relatively cheaper and for some it may even be free so it would make things a lot easier for married couples to get separated.”
               “Clearly, their children wouldn't find that easy. Don't you think they should put their children first before considering divorce? I mean Chard is definitely having a hard time because of their decision,” I argued.
               “Remaining in a relationship because of your children is lying to yourself and your children,” he answered. I was taken aback. Rob is too liberal. I told him so, but he  brushed my comment off.  I was kind of surprised because I always assumed that children of divorced parents like Rob would be affected by their parents' separation.
               “Didn't you go through a hard time when your parents divorced?” I asked him.
               “I had it harder when they were still together,” he replied not looking at me. “They fought every single day. Plus, my father was abusive,” he said this avoiding my surprised gaze by staring at the ground and then at the sky. “My mom would go to work with heavy make-up to hide her bruises. I understand why my mother wanted a divorce.”
               “I didn't know that,” I didn't know what to say. We were silent for a few minutes, but thankfully, Jenna arrived.
               Jenna was so happy to see us. She said she has to share a very big news. She told us the reason why she arrived later than usual. She told us they consulted a lawyer. They are already pursuing a lawsuit against Jerwin and others who raped her! Jenna told me she was so inspired of how I stood up against Brad that she wanted to do be as stong as I'm. I cried after hearing that. She told me she went through heights convincing her parents, but they agreed in the end.
                Isn't that amazing, Kath. I am so overyjoyed! I am so proud of her!
                I wanted to tell Chard about this news and to say sorry about his parents' separation, but I keep on erasing the words that I am typing as I attempt to message him. Screw it! I'll tell him already.
                  I'll write again tomorrow.

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