October 31, 20xx

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Oct. 31, 20xx
TW: alcohol abuse
5:53 P.M.

Dear Kath,

                  Trick or treat! I'm just kidding, we don't do that here. The nuns have firm beliefs against Halloween celebrations. They said we're summoning evil spirits and satisfying our vanity by dressing up like abominable creatures and by wearing slutty costumes.        
                  As usual, Rob has something to say about what he called their “stupid rule”. He said, “Historically speaking, Christians celebrated Halloween to ward off ghosts not summon them.”
                  “Wow! I thought you hated history?” I asked him with a teasingly. 
                  “I never said I hate history. I said I think it's pointless to include that in our curriculum when we won't use it in real life.” he answered with a defensive voice.
                 “Whatever.” I said because it's tiring to pick fights all the time.
                  Anyway, because of that history lesson by Rob, I shall celebrate Halloween for the first time tonight by going to Jenna's inuman with Chard. I know, I told you I hated her. I still do, but she hosts good gatherings because her parents aren't always at home, and their space big enough to use for parties, but cozy enough for intimate get-togethers. And her Kuya Ian is so cool, he finds a way to buy alcohol even if he's not eighteen yet.
                 Before Mama used to worry about the location of Jenna's residence because they are almost at the border of our subdivision and the illegal settlement of slum dwellers. In fact, one of the shortcuts that I always avoided to go to Jenna's is this dark alley that Mama warned me never to traverse. But since the curfew was implemented, and barangay officials are roaming around at night, she felt safer and more at ease. This is why I was able to attend Jenna's slumber party almost two months ago. I wasn't allowed to sleepover even at your place before because of her fear. She'd rather have my friends stay overnight in my tiny room that I can't even fit in than for me to sleep somewhere else. I'm glad she doesn't think that way anymore.
                 Oh, I forgot to tell you, I persuaded Rhea to come with us tonight. After what happened to her, she started hanging out with us at the bilyaran. She has changed. I mean, with what she has gone through, who wouldn't? She never told her parents even though I pleaded her to do so because she said all she wanted to do was to distract herself from thinking about her traumatic experience, that's why she wants to enjoy her life as much as she could. Her reason made me realize how hard it must be for rape victims. Imagine, if they sue their rapist, they will have to relive their trauma by telling strangers the horrifying things done to them. But if they didn't, those criminals won't go to prison. And even if the perpetrators were convicted, that can be good for society, but that will never bring back the victims' old lives, which is a zero-sum game for them. Why did God create rapists? I hope they never existed. I don't want to discuss this anymore.
                 Let's talk about Mama's observation of me. Mama is noticing something different about me. She said I look happier, but in a bad way. I don't understand. How can you be happier but in a bad way? She said I'm excited all the time as if I'm hiding something from her, which scared me for a second.
                 That reminds me, report cards will be released in a few days. I'm terrified because Mama is expecting me to maintain my grades after all the excuse I have made to finish all my projects and assignments in Alexa's house, where in truth, I was hanging out with Chard. I don't care about my grades anymore. The only reason I cared about them in the first place, because I wanted to make my parents proud, so they can brag about me to their kumares and kumpadres who will compare their own children to me, so they can brag about them too. I don't know why they keep on doing that.
                 Anyway, I have to prepare. We're leaving any minute now, but we have to come back early because we have to visit the cemetery tomorrow. Bye.

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