November 12, 20xx

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November 12, 20xx
5:25 P.M.

Dear Kath,

                  Today is our first monthsary. Your brother is such a darling that he FORGOT!!!!! I don't want to defend his actions, but to give him the benefit of the doubt, he must have forgotten because of what was happening over the past couple of days. And I too am affected by them, but I didn't forget!
                  Did we fight because of this? You bet'cha! How could he be this callous. Everything has been so tough and I get it, but doesn't he care for me? I'm suffering too and yet he forgot about us! He told me that we're together everyday and he asked me don't I appreciate the mundane things with him that I demand something special today? Duh! Here's the thing, I love him, but his insensitivity to how I feel boils my blood and I want to pour it at him!
                  Now I don't know if this is hormones because I bet you have already noticed how after I have my period every first week of the month, a few days later I feel terrible. And I do feel terrible and now that I have a boyfriend it feels great to relieve my anger, insecurities and emotions to him through nagging him at this time of the month. That's a lie, I nag him twice a week.
                  But seriously speaking, he forgot about our monthsary! He said he feels like I should not be mad, it's just him treating me this way because I have become part of his life and that I should learn to enjoy the ordinary. I don't know about this kind of thinking, but I'm offended! Everyday that we're together is amazing and I'm grateful for that, but during a special occasion, exerting a little effort would do a lot. Is our relationship not worthy to be celebrated? Am I not worthy of special attention on the day of our monthsary?
                  To tell you the truth, I'm afraid when he said he appreciates the mundane things with me. Mundane things are boring. I mean I'm glad that we do them together, but  something different on a special day, that's all I'm asking for. I told him this. But he  got irritated and he left me at the bilyaran. Imagine, fighting on you monthsary. I was kind of wishing he was just pranking me like what's trending on the internet. This is our first monthsary. What if we are in a relationship for a year, would he even care?
                  I really don't know where we're going, what plans we have for our relationship because Chard hate plans, he said they don't come true anyway. I can't help but feel like we are bound to break up.
                  Chard just messaged me. He wants to talk. I'll write again soon.

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