November 24, 20xx

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Nov. 24, 20xx
8:37 P.M.

(Dear Kath)
Dear Diary,

                   I hate old habits. Now this entry looks so messy because of my erasure. I was  thinking of erasing Kath's name in all my entries in this diary, but that would make them unappealing like the diary of my cruel ex-friend who I had a hard time deciphering because of her ugly penmanship.
                   I got in trouble at school today. It's all because of Kath's jerk ex-boyfriend, Brad. No, it's not because of what he did to Kath. I don't care about that dead person anymore. I know, Diary, I sound so mean, but so was she!
                 I will tell you why I got in trouble in a systematic way so you would understand my side well, Diary. Yesterday, I wrote Kath about Brad and Alexa's break-up and how Brad bragged to his friends about how easily he got Alexa that was why he got bored and dumped her. I would have written this to you, Diary, but I didn't know how evil Kath was at that time, so forgive me for my ignorance. Anyway, now I learned Alexa's side of the story. And oh boy, I felt angry the minute I heard the real reason why they broke up. Alexa is pregnant! And Brad dumped her when she told him. How responsible of him, right? I know you might be one of the very conservative Filipinos, Diary, you might call her a slut and tell her it's her fault anyway so buti nga. But let me just finish. Alexa insisted on him wearing a condom for safe sex, but Brad didn't want to wear one because he subscribe to the belief that sex with a condom isn't as good as sex without condom. Alexa also wanted to take contraceptive pills, but Brad believes that taking those would make her vagina stink.
                Now so what? They both should never have committed premarital sex, right? I agree, but what I strongly disagree with is the unfair treatment Alexa will have while Brad is  being praised by his friends now that they know he is not baog. It takes two to Tango, but the reality is Alexa is solo dancing when it comes to dealing with her pregnancy problems while Brad don't want any responsibility. Yes, I hear you. She is a woman she should have been more careful and she shouldn't have been a pokpok. But there is  so much expectations from us girls and women when it comes to sex and children that you wouldn't expect from boys and men.
               Now I know, Diary, you didn't come here to be a feminist, you came here to hear why I got into trouble at school. So without further ado, this is the story of my first ever trip to detention. I wish! We don't have detentions here in the Philippines or at least at our school, but as far as I know detention is not a thing here. Unless you're talking about detention for prisoners, in that case, we do have those.
               I made my story longer than it actually is so be patient with me, Diary. Alexa said she will most likely be expelled once the nuns learned about her pregnancy so she would stop drop her classes already. Although, she doesn't know how to tell her parents and she is sure that they'll make her move out of their house so she is finding someone who would take her in. I do hope by now, Diary, you understand my sentiments I wrote earlier because I'm sure Brad doesn't have to worry about all these. Unless Alexa tells the nuns that he is the father, but she wouldn't because she told me she still loves him and he doesn't want him to experience what she's going through. Ughhh! She is so marupok.
             I respect her decisions and she acknowledges that her faults and she is aware how people will react so she is preparing herself. She is even considering to move somewhere far away. So this is what Alexa is going through while Brad is being worshipped by his friends. But don't worry he is also dealing with the broken nose I gave him because he is such a jerk! I know, I said earlier that I will tell you systematically what happened, but I couldn't help myself.    
              How did I give him a broken nose, you say? Well, we were at the canteen when I heard him bragging about his sexual experiences and the song Cell Block Tango played inside my head. The next thing I remembered was his nose bleeding and everyone was cheering at me. Rob immediately stopped Brad from retaliating.
              I went to the guidance office and was questioned for my misdeed. I remained silent of course. I could not tell them the truth because I would betray Alexa's confidence and I wouldn't do that. Sister Ruth was so disappointed in me. She called Mama to school. Mama was surprised of course. I was suspended for three days and got a lengthy scolding from Mama.
               Do I regret what I did? NO!
               Because of that I wasn't able to visit Jenna today so I just messaged her and told her what happened. She was so proud and wished she was there to watch everything. Jenna was laughing, I never heard her laugh for so long. I feel so happy because of that.
              Oh, Diary, I really feel so happy today. I do hope this happiness will last. I  feel so tired crying every night.
            Papa's padala has arrived today. I bet it contains our Christmas presents. He sends us gifts very early because prices of sending packages hike on Holiday season. I wish he sent something good.
           I'll write again tomorrow, Diary.

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