Oct. 21, 20xx

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Oct. 21, 20xx
9:06 P.M.
Dear Kath,

                  Last Monday, Chard and I celebrated our first week together. I could not believe I would succumb to what I once thought was corny and idiocy. “Who would celebrate being a week together if they won't even make it to a year?” I ask while cringing whenever I see couples posting about their weeksary before I entered a relationship. But I guess every day is worth celebrating because we're happy. I would cringe at myself too if I were to look at myself from someone else's perspective.
                 I should stop talking about him because I feel like that's all I've done. And as his sister, I know you wouldn't want to hear about us. I'll think of other things to say.
                Oh, I always play billiards after school, and I got better because Chard is a great teacher. I nearly forgot, he gave me this big teddy bear, but I could not bring it to my room because Mama would question where I got it from so Chard climbed the roof to reach my window and put the cuddly stuff in my cabinet.
                Oh Kath, I bet you are pretty annoyed by now because I have turned into the irritating friend who thinks like the world revolves around her and her boyfriend. I'm sorry. I just never told anyone about us except for you because no one would care to listen. Maybe my friends treat me as a secret-keeper and a secret-keeper only. Perhaps they assume I have no secrets to tell.
               I tried telling Rob, but he doesn't pay attention because he cringes at me for being like this. Now that I think of it, we also kind of stopped interacting as much as we did. I guess it's because I'm with Chard all the time that I have forgotten my friends. And if I were with them, all I do is talk about him. Maybe that is why they don't listen to me.
               I have become super annoying, haven't I? I should tone down my Chard-addiction.
              Oh, I have not told you that when Mama and Tita Car almost busted us. But I won't tell you this anymore, I'll save your ears from our irritating silly adventures.
              Oh, I have to go. I have not finished my project due tomorrow because I've been busy enjoying myself. Pray for me.

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