November 30, 20xx

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TRIGGER WARNING:  this entry could be a trigger. If you feel like your mental health could he affected, I advise you to read no further.

Nov. 30, 20xx
5:43 P.M.

Dear Diary,
                   Today is Bonifacio Day and I joined a demonstration asking for justice for Kuya Ian and Jenna without telling Mama because she will freak out. Father Andrew joined us as well as the nuns. We were also supported by various groups calling for justice for other victims of extrajudicial killings. There were police observing our peaceful rally and you know who else attended the protest? Jerwin and his gangs were there too and they were looking at Jenna the whole time. I wanted to strangle him at that time, but I controlled my temper. I'm starting to become really violent so I should never let my emotions get to me.
                    I also learned an unfortunate truth today. I asked Rob how he thinks the lawsuit would go against Jerwin while we're walking home after the demonstration.
                    “It depends. But with the Mayor Adoro in power, it wouldn't be easy,” he answered.
                    “But if they filed a statutory rape case against Jerwin and his accomplices wouldn't that make it easier for us?” I asked again. His eyebrows met and looked at me weirdly.
                    “Statutory cases are for girls raped before the legal age of consent. Jenna is no longer underage,” Rob answered.
                    “What do you mean? Remember when we were arguing about art vs. artist, that Polanski director was guilty of statutory rape because he had sex with a fifteen-year-old. Jenna is just fourteen and Jerwin is almost twenty,” I told him.
                    “Claire, wake up. We live in the Philippines,” he told me.
                   “So what?”
                   “The legal age of consent is 12 in this country. Jenna can't file a statutory rape against Jerwin because she is no longer eleven,” he replied impatiently.
                   “Didn't you know that?” he asked.
                   “No! Who made that stupid law?” I was so angry.
                   “Pedophiles probably,” he answered while laughing.
                   “This isn't funny, Rob,” I was so angry, that I'm venting out my anger at him.
                   “Why are you shouting at me? I didn't make that law. Law-makers have yet to amend that law. Don't blame me,” he said.
                     I was so shocked. Suddenly, the song Spoliarium started playing in my head. Dumilim ang paligid, may tumawag sa pangalan ko...   

A/N: Hey guys I wrote this way back on the first week of August 2020. The Philippine house panels have already approved to amend the legal age of consent from 12 years old to 16 years old and is pending senate approval as of the time of this writing. I only intend to show why raising the minimum age of sexual consent is urgent and a big win for rape victims in the country. Let's support the hijas who are robbed of justice because of the system that fails to protect them.

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