November 23, 20xx 11:56 P.M.

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11:56 P.M.

My Dead Evil Friend,
                                   I just finished reading you diaries, you backstabbing b*tch!
                                   How could you! I trusted you and treated you like a true friend. I don't want to speak evil of the dead, but you pushed me to my limits! How could you tell my fifth-grade crush that I was a mangkukulam! You told him to beware of me because I could put gayuma in his drink. No wonder why he hated me! You were a real life Regina George, you know that! You also told Jenna and Alexa that I was the one who left the napkin in the comfort room in sixth grade even if I only had my period last year. Now I understand why they think I'm disgusting, it's all because of you! You also spread rumors that I don't take a shower everyday that is why I'm so maitim. I take a shower twice a day because of the our climate, duh! I couldn't believe you told everyone I liked Rob even when you promised that you wouldn't tell anyone! How could you!
                                    But you know what hurts me the most? You wrote that you only treated me as your friend because you pity me, that I would never have a friend without you. You also wrote that you intentionally break or lose the charm bracelets and necklaces I gave you.  I always knew you think highly of yourself, but I never thought you think so lowly of me. I never would have known if I hadn't read your diary. How stupid of me! All along you were a Judas, a snake! I should have never defended you whenever anyone speaks evil of you when you weren't around. I never should have been angry at Alexa for dating Brad after you two broke up because you were so mean to Brad anyway. And most of all, I never should have named you this diary because you don't deserve me as a friend!
                                  You know what? I'm more hurt by what you had said than when your kuya and I broke up. I hate you so much that I almost wished you are in hell right now, but no, I'm not as evil as you are. I still wish you are in heaven. But that doesn't mean I'm not angry at you!
                                  From now on, I will no longer name you after this diary! Effective immediately.

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