Chapter 41

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I take the first plane I can catch to Romania. I need to find him before they do. I walk up the stairs to his building. I knock on the door.

No answer.

I knock again.


I pick the lock and walk inside. The place is a mess. Mattress on the floor, dirty dishes, books stacked on the fridge.

I pull one down opening a purple tabbed section. There's writing and photos each labels with dates. I pick up a picture. It's one of me from a local newspaper.

It reads, "Avenger Scarlette Romanoff injured and in critical condition is a local hospital in New York City." This article was published in The NY Times. How did he get it, was he in America when I was in the hospital?

I notice a broken floor board. I pick it up revealing a backpack.

"Bastards ready to run." I mumbled.

Did he bomb the UN? Theres no way he could have been here, in Vienna and back in that short amount of time. I flip the book page to an entry from a few weeks ago.

I went to go visit her today. My memories are slowly coming back to me. Everything with her and what I did to those people. I saw her in the hospital. I didn't go in the room. I'm afraid she'd wake up and see me. Besides it's been years since I last saw her.

She probably doesn't want me around anymore. I'm glad I was able to see her when Steve wasn't there with her. I watched him leave after a red head went into her room. I watched as the red head cried into her limp hand. I wanted to go in and see her but I couldn't bring myself to.

I remember our wedding night, it's probably one of my only vivid memories besides that one. Running out of the Red Room, going to a fast chapel and getting married. I remember the thing she told me that night. Something she never shared with anyone. She had two children at the age of fourteen. She said she didn't know the father. But I have a feeling it could have been me. The Red Room wanted to have skilled offspring. Why not a super soldier and skilled assassin. I don't remember anything of the sort to happen. Maybe I'm wrong.

I saw the videos of the two children. They don't resemble me at all so maybe I'm wrong. But the girl, she looks just like her with darker hair. The boy has her eyes. I wonder if she's told them. How they reacted. I missed so much of my life being trapped with Hydra, but her, she got to live when she was saved. I remember having to shoot her in Odessa. I felt so much regret afterwards. I was too much of a coward to escape. I should have run off with her when she asked me too. Then I wouldn't be in this predicament.

I close the book and take a deep breath. He came to the hospital. He was in New York. He was there when Nat was there. Did she see him?

"What are you doing here?" I look up to see him standing right before. "You shouldn't be here."

"But I am. Do you know who I am?" I ask taking in a shaky breath.

"You're the girl from the news. The one who was in the hospital."

"That's all you remember?" He looks at the book in my hand.

"I write things down I remember. Sometimes I forget."

I notice his clothing big red sweater to cover his arm, black pants, baseball cap and gloves.

"For someone who's hiding you really know how to make yourself stand out in a crowd." I laugh crossing my arms still holding the journal's.

"People here don't question much."

I notice he has a sack of quarters in his hand.

"You going somewhere?"

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