Chapter 19

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"Shh if you keep putting so much weight in your feet, you'll get us in trouble." I giggle. He doesn't respond. "For someone who's mute. You certainly know to make a lot of noise with your body." Again, no response.

I drag him up several flights of stairs until we're on the roof. It's peaceful up here.

"I come here and just think." I smile at him weakly.

I use this time to rid my mind of everything they've put into it throughout the day. I consider myself the most human out of everyone here, I can still smile. But I'm also the youngest.

He looks at me warily as I sit down. I pat the space next to me so he can sit. He does.

"I come out here to clear my mind. Keeps everything they've done throughout the day at bay. That way it doesn't corrupt my mind. I figured it could do the same for you."

He looks at me like he's intrigued.

I know how they treat him and everything they've done.

I may or may not have stollen his folder from the archives to see what's up with him. I knew he'd never be able to remember on his own.

"Here I took this. I thought it would help."

I hand him the folder. He takes it and opens it. He skims a few pages. There's not much in there about personal memories but it's a start. He looks back up at me. I smile at him weakly knowing he could take the information one of two ways.

1.    Say something and thank me.


2.    Get up and attack his handler for doing everything he'd done to him.

I'm hoping it's neither. I like just sitting her. I'm afraid he'll leave me, no matter how he takes this.

I study the look on his face. He seems like he doesn't believe me. I pray he does. If both of us work together maybe we could get out of here. Escape, join the relay world.

"James, are you okay?"

"Yeah." His words come out hoarse like he hasn't spoken in years. Which is possibly true.

"Does this help at all?" I feel a spark of hope in my chest.

"A little. I-" I can tell he is trying hard to remember the proper English. He's been speaking any other language but.

"Vorbește-mi în română dacă nu găsești cuvintele." (Speak to me in Romanian if you can't find the words.) He smiles knowing he can talk to me in Romanian instead of English.

"Multumesc." (Thank you.) He smiles. My heart melts.

Before we can savor this moment more the lights go on and we start to panic. We can't go inside the way we came out. I pull this hand and make him walk across the roof to a building next door. We jump and make it. I see now as our opportunity.

"Hai sa fugim impreuna." (Let's run together)

"Nu, nu pot. imi pare rau." (I cannot. I am sorry.) I nod understanding.

"See that window." I point. He nods. "Jump through there. It will bring you back to your quarters." I see the look on his face. "Go I'll be fine."

I sneak around the roof the window that leads to my room. I jump through and hop in bed before bed checks and pretend to be asleep.

The head mistress opens my door and walks around the room to make sure everyone is asleep. I close my eyes and take deep shallow breathes to make it seem like I'm asleep.

The sound of her heels on the floor makes a sound that scares me to death.

She is death, the girls caught at this time, awake I've never seen again. It scares me what she could do to me if she caught me awake. Especially with HYDRA's precious winter soldier.

Sorry I updated late. I'll post another chapter tomorrow to make up for it!!!
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