Chapter 48

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Narrators POV:

"Lette." Natasha cries as she watches her sister turn to ash.

The remaining avengers stare at the open land around them that once held their friends, their family.

"Nat," Steve runs up to her, "Where's Lette?" He turns looking for the blonde.

Nat continues to stare at the ground where her sister disappeared before her eyes. Steve looks down at the ground to see a silver chain glittering in the sun.

"No." He whispers.

He bends down picking up the delicate chain between his fingers.

The world seems to have gone silent and it did.


23 days later...

Steve stands in the bathroom alone. Razor in hand shaving off what was left of the illusive Nomad he'd become over the last few years. He dabs the towel against his chin removing the remaining aftershave from his face.

He hunches over the shink letting out a shaky breath. The mirror next to him begins to shake along with the compound. He furrows his brows before leaving with everyone to see what was happening.

Carol flies down holding a large ship. A look of solemn on her face. No words had to be spoken. She wasn't sure Tony was alive.

The back door of the ship opens revealing Nebula and a malnourished Tony.

Steve runs up to him grabbing him, helping him down the stairs and onto the grassy area in front of the compound.

"I couldn't stop him," Tony speaks.

"Neither could we," Steve seconds.

With a look of regret and self-loathing, Tony speaks again, "I lost the kid."

Steve looks at Tony with a pit of regret falling in his stomach, "Tony, we lost."

"Is, uh?" Tony asks before Pepper runs up to him engulfing him in a hug.

Everyone wallows back inside to discuss what happens next. Half the world is gone and there's nothing they can do about it.

They all sit looking at the photos of their fallen avengers.

"Where is he now?" Tony asks.

"We don't know, he just opened a portal and walked through," Steve said leaning against the desk behind him.

"Did he give you any clue as to where he could be?"

"He wiped my face with a planet. I've got nothing for you. No coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no trust," He takes his reactor off his chest handing it to Steve telling him to use it to hide before dropping to his knees passing out.

*Time skip because I want to get to the good stuff*

Steve's POV:

I started help groups as a way to honor Sam. Guess it was more so to help me deal with the pain of losing Lette.

I rarely talk about her and if I do it's not for long.

Five years without her. Five.

I haven't gone out on dates or tried to move on as I should. Getting them all back now seems hopeless.

I moved away from the compound. A small apartment in Brooklyn. It's close to where I grew up. Now it's the only thing that reminds me of home. The only place I almost don't feel outcasted. . .almost.

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