Chapter 33

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(Don't play song yet) :)

Steves POV

Wanda and Pietro come out of the room. They don't even know her and they still went in to pay their respects. Which is more than I could ask for. Everyone is seeking comfort in one another.

Clint with Natasha. Wanda and Pietro. Rhodey and Tony. Thor had to go back to Asguard to figure out his vision. Sam tried to comfort me but it was no use. I'm too defeated to even begin to be able to process all this.

I don't want to go back into the room just yet. I'm not ready to say goodbye.

"Common Cap, you got to go now, otherwise you'll regret it." Sam tries to get me to stand up and go in.

"I can't."

He takes in a deep breath, "I'll go in with you." I noddy head and lug myself off the bench and through her door.

I look at the floor as I make my way to bed. I don't want my last memory of her to be her lifeless body.

"You'll regret not saying anything." I snap my head towards him. "Stop talking to her in your head."

I take a seat on the chair next to her. I grab her hand for the last time and start talking.

Start song now :)

"Lette, I love you and I'm kicking myself for not saying it sooner. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry I didn't take you on that date. I'm sorry I left you with Sam to look for Bucky. I'm sorry for it being my soul focus during those months. It should have been you. It should have always been you. You were right there in front of me and I waited too long. I told Bruce not wait to be with Nat and here I was pushing off taking you on a date because I was afraid something like this would happen. I'm so sorry I let my past get in the way." I take in a deep breath, "I was so lost after waking up and realizing everyone I knew was gone. I kept dwelling on Peggy when I had the perfect woman for me right in front of me the whole time. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't, not anymore. She was my past and you were my future. I don't know what kind of future I'll have without you. Who's going to make fun of me for being Captain America, besides Tony? Who am I going to wake up next to every day for the rest of my life?" I kiss her hand. It's cold and clammy. "I remember that night in Virginia where I was asleep and we had to share a bed because they wouldn't give us double beds. I woke up from a nightmare about Bucky and you just held me and told me I would be alright."

"Steve, Steve, calm down it's okay. I'm right here." She says frantically.

"He was-he was right there and," I start gasping for air.

"Shhh, Steve, it's okay we'll find him. I promise." She wraps her arms around me, brushing the stray hairs from my face and just holds me.

"How do you know that?" I ask resting my head on her chest as I drift in and out of consciousness.

"I know because I love you Steven and you love him. You don't give up on people you love, ever." She says right before I fall back asleep.

I take in another deep breath. "I should have said it back. I was just so content and you held me. And that's what I want-what I need from you right now is for you to just hold me but you can't, I wish we had more moments like that before this happened. Goodbye Lette, I love you." I kiss her forehead and begin to walk out.

As I approach the door I hear the monitor start to beep again. I turn and see it moving.

She has a heart rate.

"Lette, oh my god Lette can you hear me." I grab her hand and feel her give it a light squeeze. "Oh my god Lette." Tears start streaming down my face. I watch her eyes open.

"Hi." She chuckles out. He voice sounds hoarse.

I grab her face and kiss her. Hard. Every emotion pouring to this kiss.

"Please never scare me like that again." I rest my forehead on hers. Now we're both sniffling and crying at the same time.

"I promise." I kiss her again. We go on for what feels like forever until were interrupted by a nurse walking in.

"You're alive! Oh my, this never happens, Mrs. Rogers." Lette doesn't tense, neither do I.

"I am alive, and I'm not Mrs. Rogers, yet." She chuckles then winks at me. "He hasn't even taken me on a date yet."

"Oh, you can have as many dates as you want after this." I go to kiss her again but the nurse stops me.

"Mr. Rogers, she needs her rest."

"How much rest do I need? I literally just died." She laughs.

"The doctor needs to examine you. Sir, you can come back in ten minutes." I nod my head in agreement and start to head out the door.

"Steve," Lette calls me, "Can you bring me back vanilla pudding?"

"Only if the nurse says it's alright." I turn to the nurse. She nods her head in agreement.

"Yay!" She squeals. "Owe." She puts her hand to her head.

"Don't get too excited. You'll rip your stitches." Lette laughs and lays back down. I kiss her forehead. I go to walk away but she has a death grip on my hand.

"I can't get you pudding if you don't let go of my hand."

"But what if I don't want you to leave my side."

"Believe me I don't want to leave you either, but if I don't then you don't get your pudding."

"If it means you stay, then Nat can get it." I'm starting to notice how she's acting like a toddler. It's cute.

"I'll go tell Nat you're alive first then to go get your pudding." I pull my hand from hers and walk towards the door to see Nat still sitting on the bench. She stands quickly, I can't wipe the smile off my face.

"My sisters dead and you're smiling Rogers. What is the matter with you?"

"Go in and see for yourself." I continue smiling. Everyone rushes to the window to see Lette talking to the nurse.

"How is she-?" I just nod my head. She hugs me. I hug her back knowing how hard this is for her. "Can I-?"

I nod, "I'd bring vanilla pudding with you though." She cocks her head to the side, "She wants pudding but I'm not allowed to leave her side."

She just laughs at me. "You better have one hell of a date planned after this."

I smile and shake my head, "Believe me I do."

Hey guys so I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. I also hope you got emotional like I did😂. Anyways don't forget to vote and comment share this story and thanks for reading😘

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