Chapter 24

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I know Steve is coming up here to talk to me. I walk over to the window bench and sit. I play with the loose threads of my sweater as I think back to what I saw when the witch got to me.  

"James stop you'll kill him." 

I can feel the cold again and I feel the tears brim in my eyes. I shove them away. I don't need Steve seeing them.

"Steve wake up please wake up."

I shudder thinking about everything I saw. I began to think. 

What if I did see James again and I'm with Steve? 

How would he react to me being with his best friend? 

Would he even remember him?

All these thoughts kept swarming through my head I started getting a headache. I lean my head on the wall behind me, close my eyes and sigh. Maybe I'm not cut out for Steve after all.

"Hey." I snap my head towards to the door to see Steve leaning up against the doorframe. 

"Hi." I whisper out my voice barely audible.

"You okay?" He starts walking towards me. I scoot myself further towards the window. He stops, I see his expression falter. I swallow back the saliva that was in my mouth. "What did she show you?"

I didn't want to tell him. I knew I couldn't. The tears start to build back up in my eyes.

"Lette," Steve sits down next to me. He holds his hands up in defense. I grab on of his hands and kiss his palms, his forearm, bicep, shoulder, jaw, I pull back and look him in his sparkling blue eyes.

"You were dead. You died in my arms and I couldn't do anything to save you." The tears starting slipping from my eyes. He pulls me into a hug and trying to lull me.

"Shhh, I'm right here I'm not going anywhere." He kisses the top of my head another tear slips, "I promise." I want to hold that promise to him. But I know promises were made to be broken.

I wanted to know what she showed him but couldn't bring myself to ask him. I'm not sure how long I sat there crying. I felt myself get tired and started to fall asleep.

I forgot how much crying takes out of your body.

Steves POV

I here light snores coming from Scarlette. I look at her, she's asleep. I slowly move her so she's laying on the window bench. I move some stray hair out of her face. I brush my thumb over her lips gently and smile. I go to leave to see Natasha smirking at me.

"Natasha!" I jump back and whisper.

"And here I thought you soldier had super hearing," She chuckles.

"Well you and your sister are good at sneaking up on me."

"That definitely come back to bite you in the-" I point at her cutting her off. I turn and look back at Scarlette sleeping I nod my head towards the door so we won't disturb her. 

I let out a big sigh and look at my feet, "She said she saw me die." Nat's face softens.

"She cares about you Steve, a lot. Don't let that go over your head. If that's her biggest fear then just make sure you don't die." I give her a look of disappointment. "Sorry I'm not good at advice unless it's how to take someone down."

"I wanted to tell her what I saw but, she just started crying." I look at the closed door wishing I could see her face.

"What did she show you?"

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