Chapter 18

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After months of dead leads Steve called it quits. He got called back to Avengers Tower to go and do his "Captain Duties" whilst Sam and I continued our search. Cold lead after cold lead. I started getting bored of it and almost went home. But I knew exactly where to find him, I just knew he didn't want to be found. I don't want to find him. I know he's okay. He deserves to be left alone after everything that's happened to him in the last seventy years.

Sam knows I know where he is. He's a little pissed I won't let up on the information. He promised he wouldn't tell Steve I knew, only so long until it just slips out.

We're currently sitting on table just talking, taking a break. Having a drink. Or I am.

"You going to Stark's party next week?"


"Why not?"

"I'm not exactly invited to Tony's things."

"You'd think with your sister being Avenger and all he'd invite you."

"Ha-that's rich. It's not kindergarten where you have to invite everyone in the class."

"He does invite everyone."

"Not me besides," I nudge his shoulder playfully, "I have you to keep me company."

"About that."

"No, no. Damnit Wilson." I whine.


"Oh shut up, I know you're excited."

"Who wouldn't be. It's like the party of the year."

"No that's his New Years party. This is just, I don't even know what it's for."

"Someone's salty they didn't get an invite."

"Sam, I will break this bottle over your head." He looks at me offended and I shoot him my most innocent smile.

"You're lucky you're cute." He gets up throwing his empty bottle into the cooler. I grab the keys and start walking to the car leaving Sam to carry everything back. Pay back for that comment.

Okay, okay. Maybe I'm a little salty. But I shouldn't be. I plan on crashing the party anyway.

"You could have helped me, you know?" I pout at him and smile while starting up the car.

"What's the fun in that?" I laugh and speed off into traffic.

(Week Later)

"You sure you wanna go?" I ask after dropping Sam and I at the airport.

"Hell yeah. It's not every day you get invited to Tony Starks parties."

"He doesn't even know who you are." He scowls at me I just laugh, "Okay, well when something goes wrong-and it will-you know where I'll be."

"You sure you want to see him?"

"Yeah." I smile weakly and hug him good bye. I turn around and walk further into the airport.

"Flight 22 to Bucharest Romania is now boarding, Flight 22 to Bucharest Romania is now boarding."

Well now or never. I take a deep breath and hand the attendant my ticket.

Alright just walk onto the plane.

Walk on.

Common Scarlette. Walk on the plane.

The flight attendant is staring at me like I'm insane. I mean I am. But she doesn't need to know that. I sit in my seat and get ready to go visit him. He doesn't know I do this. I just go to check up on him. Make sure he's okay. I "accidently" bump into him sometimes and tell him I'm sorry then preform my disappearing act and watch him from a distance for the rest of the day.

I know what you're thinking. Creepy. But he's alone. He needs someone to look out for him.

I fall asleep on the flight there which is much needed. I don't know why Steve would think he'd be in the states. The best way to get away is to actually get away.

I get off the plane and head to a hotel to spend the weekend. I don't plan on being there much but it'll do.

I check the time and see that it's around eight a.m. He's should be doing his shopping.

I change my outfit and head out to the local street market. It doesn't take long to notice a man in the crowd hiding away under his caps and bulky clothing. I approach the stand to talk to the man running it.

"Tu vorbestí engleza?"

"Nu. Eu vorbesc romana." I use the fact that he can't speak English to my advantage. Even though I can speak the language myself.

"Sir, vorbestì engleza?"

"Uh-yeah I speak English." He seems unsure of himself.

"Can you ask him if he has any spare bags? I seem to have forgotten mine."

They start talking he asked if he had bags. The man told him yes somewhere in his truck and he'd go get them.

"I'm guessing you're not from around here." I laugh. He doesn't respond to me. "Your English. You sound American."

"Oh, uh yeah. Um you look-"

"Familiar? Yeah, we ran into each other a couple times. I uh, come here once a month to visit someone. That's why." I'm technically not lying.

Before he could answer the man comes back with a bag to put my fruit into.

"Multumesc." I nod and begin walking away. "It was nice finally getting to talk to you."

I take my time walking back to my hotel. I know he'll be there when I get back. Once the wheels in his head stop turning and he figures out how he knows me. I can't say I'm not afraid but I know he'd never purposely hurt me. Besides I can hold my own. Mostly.

I get back to the hotel and walk straight to the fridge to put away the fruit. I feel him behind me. I stand up straight but don't turn around.

"I know you."

"Who am I?" I turn around.

"You're Scarlette. I almost killed you. You put this around my neck." He pulls the chain out from around his neck.

He still has it.

He kept it.

"Do you remember me? Who I was to you?"

"We met in the red room, you hung out with me when you weren't training, you tried to help me get my memories back. You were the only person there who still acted human."

"That's all you remember?"

"There's more?"

"Sit down this might take a while."

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