Chapter 8

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"Phase two is where SHIELD uses the cube to make weapons," Steve looks to Tony, "Sorry computer was moving a little slow for me."

"Wait you knew that's what Tony was doing?" I said in shock.

"Rogers, we gathered everything related to the Tesseract. This does not mean that we're" Fury got cut off.

"I'm sorry," Tony said flipping the monitor, "What were you lying?"

"I was wrong, director. The world hasn't changed a bit." Steve says with annoyance. Then Thor and Nat walked in.

"Ever think about removing yourself from this environment doctor?"

"I was in Calcutta; I was pretty well removed." Banner responded. Everyone began arguing. Steve and Tony look like they were about to kill each other. Everyone was screaming at each other giving me a head ache. I got sick of it a pulled out my gun. I shot it at the roof. Everyone stopped and just stared at me.

"What the hell Lette." Tasha yelled at me.

"You guys wouldn't stop yelling. It was the only way to get you all to shut up. What is going on? Actually, scratch that. Do you not see what Loki is doing? He's trying to rile us up, get under our skin, I wouldn't be surprised if this was all a distraction and we are about to get attacked."

"Oh, be realistic Lette. Stop exaggerating." Just then we were hit. A hole in the floor Nat and Bruce fall through. Everyone went off to save the ship. I ran off knowing Barton was the cause of this. I went to go find him. I just walked around waiting for Barton to show up. Then I caught an arrow shot at me.

"Hello Barton." I smirked.

He lunges at me I grab his wrist and shove him away. He comes at me. I slide under the shaft and back over onto his back. I grab his bow and choke him with it. He flips me over and onto the floor. Next thing I know is Nat fighting Barton. As she's about to finish him off I jump up and slam his head on the railing.

"What'd you do that for?" Nat yelled.

"Cognitive recalibration." I said.

Nat stayed with Clint while he came too. I walked to the bridge. Everyone seemed sad, Coulson was dead. I felt tears threaten my eyes. I blinked them away. Everyone that was left came back to the table. I get up after Fury throws the trading cards on the table.

"Romanoff," Fury spat, "Where do you think you're going?"

"Where do you think? To kill that son of a bitch."

"No, you are not going. You have been to reckless and sneaky to be out on the field."

"You aren't stopping me from helping."

"You'll be out of a job if you do."

"Then I guess I'm giving my notice now Fury."

"Lette stop." Nat yelled.

"No, let's get this over with!"

"You heard the women lets go." I heard Steve tell everyone.

When we arrive in New York we see Loki and Thor fighting. He shoots the jet down. I jump out of the jet and use a grappling hook to get to the terrace.

"Scarlette!" I hear Steve yell at me before they crash. I walk inside the tower to where Loki is.

"Ah if it isn't the assassin princess." Loki smirked at me.

"Ah if it isn't the idiotic god of mischief."

"Well that's not as much of an insult as a statement of my name."

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