Chapter 11

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We go back to my apartment to grab some disguises. I throw Steve a t-shirt, jeans, sweater, a hat, and faux glasses. Nat puts on a t-shirt, leggings with a striped hoodie. I go into my closet and grab a t-shirt, yoga pants, faux glasses, and sweater.

"You know you can't blend in in that." Nat says walking into my closet.

"What do you think I should grab a wig?" I follow after her so she won't mess up my stuff.

"Yeah. You're blonde for whatever reason, put the brunette one on. Or go back to being a redhead."

I was redhead until I met him. I didn't want to be known as Natalia's sister, so I dyed my hair bleach blonde.

"Nah, I'd rather be brunette."

I grab the wig with long light brown curly hair and put it on with some help from Nat because there was so much hair.
I throw the curls up into a pony with a clip. It looks pretty realistic. I see Steve enter the room through the mirror.

"I think like the blonde better." He stands leaning against the door way with his arms crossed.

"I do too. But it's a bit to out there. They'll be looking for someone blonde." I smile back at him.

"I feel like we haven't gotten a moment alone." He came to stand behind me.

"Yeah, well between Fury and Hydra infiltrating SHEILD we haven't exactly gotten a moment alone." I turn around in my chair and look up at him.

"How was Romania?"

"Good," I smiled to myself, "But home is home you know."

"I'm sorry you got dragged into this. I know you wanted out." He gives me a sad smile.

"I knew it wouldn't last. Thought I'd have at least I'd have a year before being dragged into this. Guess I was wrong." I sighed I looked down.

"You know we never got that date."

"Plans change." I began to feel sad. Steve must have noticed.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just sad over Fury." I lied.

"Yo, Rogers can I get a second alone with my sister?" Nat asked walking back in.

"Yeah." He walked out.

"You're blowing him off?"

"Yeah, I still miss him you know. I know. Being there it just brought everything up and I know I'll see him again. Soon apparently." I sigh and turn back towards the mirror.

"He's not the same guy you met in the Red Room anymore. You have a real shot with Steve, don't pass that up."



"I can't have kids. What good am I if I can't even give anyone that?"

"I don't think he'd care. You have other options to choose from."

"I know. Now let's go before it's too late."

Awe Scarlette and Nat got a little sister moment.
Steve's character is so sweet.

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