Chapter 32

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Steves POV

The doctor comes out ten minutes. He shakes his head. "I'm sorry there's nothing we can do..." The doctor walks away.

Everyone stands up and looks at me, "She's" I begin to choke on my words, "She's-she's gone."


I fall to my knees and begin crying. She's gone. She can't be gone. She was just. I can't even begin to process this.

Nat walks over to Tony and slaps him hard across the face. "This is all your fault."

"I didn't know. I'm so sorry."

"I'll let you say your goodbyes." I forgot the doctor was here.

I let Natasha and and Clint go first. They've known her the longest. It wouldn't be right for me to go in first.

Natasha POV

I should have never let Stark give her that serum maybe she'd still be alive. In a coma, but alive.

"I can't believe she's gone. I was gonna ask her to be Nathaniels god mother."

"Why not me?" I fake joked to lighten the mood.

"He's already named after you." He laughs a little. He wraps his arm around me as we approach the bed. All color in her face is gone. She's grey. The life that was once there. Gone by a fatal accident.

"Goodbye Lette. I love you so much. I regret the time I didn't spend with you, I regret fighting with you for no reason. There really wasn't any reason for it. I was just jealous. I liked Bucky and you got him. It was always you. For everyone, everyone always wanted you. I was the sister no one wanted. Then I found SHIELD and I hated that they brought you in. I shouldn't have, but I did and I'm so sorry." I lose it and cry into Clint's shoulder. He kisses my head. "I'll give you a moment alone."

With one last look I close the door behind me. Sam comes over and gives me a hug. Every one has a glum look on their face. I feel like I just died. "Is every one going in?" I ask holding back tears.

"Um," Steve tries to speak up. He clears his throat, "Sam, Wanda, Pietro, and me are going in to see her." I just nod my head. There's nothing else I could do.

Clint POV

"Hey little one. I hate that this happened to you. You still had the rest of your life ahead of you. This shouldn't be how it ended. I remember finding you when you were twenty four. You were so scared. You didn't even fight back. You just let me take you." I grab her hand and sit down. "I really hope you had a better life after that. I really wanted to see you and Steve get married and have kids. A little Lette running around. Someone to play with Nathaniel." Tears start streaming down my face. "I love you Lette. But if it's time for you to go, then it's time for you to go."

I give her hand one last squeeze before walking out the door.

"Who's next?" I ask. I walk over to Nat and take her from Sam.

"I guess I'm next." He says. He wipes his hands on his pants before walking into the room.

Sam's POV

I can't even look at the bed as I walk into the room.

"Looking for Bucky with you was amazing. I guess you really were going to take his location to the grave." I joke trying to lighten up the grey mood. "I'm not going to make a long speech about how you made me feel or how much I'm gonna miss you. You can't hear me or see me. I believe in the great beyond. But you aren't here with me. You're with Steve sitting next to him outside rubbing his back telling how much you love him and how sorry you are you didn't get a chance to tell him. So I'll keep this short, I'll miss you Lette. Goodbye." I hang my head and give her a moment of silence before walking out of the room.

"Guess we're next." Wanda says standing up.

I nod and let her and Pietro pass by me to get in the room.

Wanda's POV

I lean into Pietro, "She risked everything to save us. It's sad it ended this way. I didn't even get to tell her how she knew us."

"Can't you use your magic to bring her back?" He asks.

"I can't control it well enough yet. I don't even think my powers can do that."

He walks to her bed side, "Maybe if I wasn't on the ship I could have grabbed her and sped back."

"Pietro don't say that. There was nothing any of us could do."

"Tell that to the Captain."

"Not like he'd listen."

"She was good to us. She had no choice."

"I still hate that we never got to tell her."

"Still doesn't make sense to me. She's fifteen years older than us." Pietro shakes his head.

"Some woman have kids younger than that. You know how the Red Room was from what Strucker said."

"Guess we'll never know who our father is. We don't even look like her. This doesn't make sense."

"I don't think it ever will. We were taken from her when we were born Pietro. Red Room had random teenage boys too. Our biological father is probably dead. She was too young to raise us. Giving us away was the best thing she thought she could do for us." I walk over to her bed and grab her hand. "And it was. We love you mom."

Plot Twist!

That was painful to write. 

Hey guys, I started writing a Harry Potter fic. Go check it out!

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