Chapter 22

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When we get to the ships the place looks like a dump. Ships trapped in mud. It was disgusting. I didn't even want to leave the ship.

"She's not coming with us. She can stay here and keep tabs on Bruce." Tony snares at me.

"Or maybe you should stay here, and we'll go and clean up your mess."

"See this is why we didn't want you here."

"I'm sorry I don't remember anyone else having an issue with me here. Just you Tony. If you have an issue with me here then stop doing dumb shit that pulls me back here."

He doesn't say anything he just storms off with everyone but Bruce.

Dramatic much?

They all go inside and I stay in the jet with Bruce.

"D-don't pay any mind to Tony. He uh, he doesn't know what he's talking about. We all want you here."

"Thank you, Bruce." I put my hand on his shoulder and smile.

We take a seat and wait for them to call us if they need back up. I'm hearing the exchange between Ultron and everyone and it send shivers down my spine. His voice sounds like a child's nightmare.

"Guys, is this a Code Green?" It comes back as static. He walks to the end of the jet.

"Bruce get back in here and close the door. Something tells me we need to get you out of here." I start powering up the jet. Something speeds past me knocking me off my feet.

"Not so fast." He laughs. I see a girl do something to Bruce. I go to fight her but the boy holds me back. The girl comes up to me.

"He didn't say anything about this one." She looks at me, oddly. Her accent is thick. I know her.

"I know you." I manage to say before she warps my mind.

I'm walking in my old room. There are girls dancing. A woman is counting. I turn to see him standing there. He's walking towards me. The room is getting longer, he's getting further and further away. I begin running after him. Something stops me. Someone's calling my name from behind me. It's Steve.

"Lette. This where you say I do." I look up at see Steve standing before me in a black and white tux. I look down and see me in a white lace dress.

"Stay away from my wife." James comes charging into the church and tackles Steve down. Everyone's faces are blank as they stare at the scene unfolding before them.

James throws a punch to Steve's gut. He's not fighting back.

"I'm not gonna fight you Buck you're my friend. I'm with you tell the end of the line."

"I'm not. You stole my wife." With one last punch Steve's unconscious on the ground. James grabs my arm and pulls me out of the church.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere he won't find us."

No! I try and run away. I'm back at the tarmac on the carrier. Bucky and Steve are fighting each other. They're going to kill each other. I'm screaming but they can't hear me. I climb onto the bridge where they're standing still now.  Both staring at me.

"You need to choose." I whip my head towards Steve.

"You can't have us both." I now turn towards Bucky.

"I gave you the ring back. I made my choice."

"No, you didn't look around your neck." I look down at my neck. There it is. The necklace around my neck. But it's the real rings from my box. I look back towards Steve. I can see the heartbreak in his eyes.

"Steve I-"

"Scarlette. I'm not gonna wait for you to make a choice." Steve says.

"Because she'll choose me and you know it. I was her husband. You stole my wife." Bucky begins charging at Steve. They start fighting.

"James stop. You'll kill him." I try and run at them. But I'm stuck in place. I look at my feet. It's so cold. Theres ice. Lots of it.

Siberia. No, no, no. I start walking in the snow and there they are. Battered and bruised beaten to death. I run over to them sliding in the snow. It's so cold. They're lying on the floor dead.

"Steve no. Common, common wake up. Get up." I start doing CPR on his chest. "Common Steve. Don't leave me. Please don't leave me." Tears are streaming down my face. I'm crying into his chest. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Steve in a white light.

"Scarlette common we gotta go." Steve picks me up and carries me back to the jet.

The ride is quiet no one's talking. I'm trying to make sense of what I saw. If I even could.

Steve comes over and sits next to me. He puts his arm around me. I stiffen at his gesture. I can tell he notices.

He doesn't say anything. He doesn't have too. I lean my head on his shoulder and let silent tears fall. I barely notice I'm sitting on the floor with Steve anymore. The pain in my chest makes everything else feel numb. I stare blankly at the floor in front of me. There's just nothing. I feel nothing. Words are blurring together in my head then it all goes black.

What'd you think of her vision?

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