Chapter 38

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I sat with Wanda for what felt like hours just hugging her. Pietro wound up in here and is sleeping on my other side. I was nodding in and out of consciousness. I refused to let myself sleep. I want to enjoy being with them as much as I can. I know something big is coming and I'm afraid for them.

I'm afraid what the government will do to them. I'm afraid they'll take her from me when I just got her back. I mean she's a minor legally they can't take her from me.

I look at the door to see Nat standing there smiling at me. I give her a slight smile back.

"You guys really look like a family."

"Only thing that's missing is their father." I mumble.

"Who is their dad?" I want to tell her but I don't who it is. I just shake my head indicating I don't know.

"I was inseminated, I thought they were Bucky's but they look nothing like him."

"Wanda looks like you though. Same face shape, natural hair color, nose, Pietro has your eyes. You'd think you and Wanda are sisters."

"Well, that position is taken." I smirk at her, "How does it feel being an aunt?"

"Now that I met them, I can't wait to be their aunt. Also, Steves looking for you. I wasn't sure if I'd tell him you're here. I don't know if you want to tell him or not."

"I have too eventually, just not now."

She nods leaving me here alone, with my kids.


I'm lying in bed with both of my kids.

I squeeze them both a little tighter before falling asleep.


I get out of the shower expecting Lette to be sitting on the bed. But she wasn't there. I throw a shirt over my head combing my hair up. I walk out of my room running into Nat.

"Hey where's Lette?"

"I was about to ask you the same, she's not in her room."

I walk down the hall into the kitchen seeing Vision standing there, making coffee.

"Hey Vision have you seen Lette?"

"She's in Wandas room with the twins. Bring these for them please." He hands me a tray with four cups of coffee.

"I will. Also, let me know when Tony arrives."

I take the tray from him heading up to the rooms. I'm surprised I didn't see her in there before when I passed by. I wonder why she's in there. She doesn't have a relationship with the twins so I'm surprised she'd be in there.

Then again Wanda did take what happened today hard. I walk over to her room and see the door wide open and walk in figuring it wouldn't be a big deal.

I stop dead in my tracks. Laying on Wandas bed is her, Lette and Pietro all cuddled up together sleeping. They all look so peaceful. I take out my phone and attempt to snap a photo.

If I didn't know any better, I'd think they were a family of siblings. But Lette is related to Nat, although she has some uncanny similarities to Wanda though.

I don't wish to wake them so I leave the coffee on the desk and leave to room going to talk to Sam.


I start coming to and smell the strong scent of coffee. I open my eyes and see Wanda and Pietro still asleep. I look over to her desk and see a tray of coffee sitting there. I carefully try and pull out of their grips and not wake them. Getting out from Pietro's arm was easy, Wanda was half laying on top of me.

Nat walks by the door smirking at me.

"Psst, aunt help me get your niece off so I can have some coffee."

"Shhh, you'll wake them." She comes over taking Wandas arm off me slowly rolling her on her back so I can get up. "So, I guess things are good?" She asks as I pick up the cup of now cold coffee.

"For now, until they ask who their father is." I take a sip of my coffee looking over at them. "They look so peaceful, I'm afraid what will happen. I know Tony's on his way. I just hope he came up with something."

"Me too." 

Hey everyone sorry for the lac of updates. I have been very busy. But Welcome to Civil War if I haven't already said that and enjoy. I have a lot in store for this movie. Now it might take longer times to update because this movie is VERY wordy with character such as Tony and Ross having majorly long monologues. It will take more time to update. But I swear I still put as much time into this story as I do my other two. (Which you should totally check out. HP fan or not those are spicy compared to this one). 

This movie does have a lot in it that the dialogue needs to be changed and shortened. Especially because I kept Pietro alive, he does need to be added. What side do you think he'd be on? Iron Man or Cap? 

Anyways more updates will be up in maybe a week or so. I have to continue writing. But my free time and closed drastically. Anyways, love y'all. It's like 1 am when I'm posting this chapter so, go to sleep!

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