Fanfic Find. Help!!!

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Hello, idk how many people will read this...but I need help finding a Bucky fanfic I read a bit ago.
Basically, the protagonist (reader or OC I can't remember) works for the avengers but has a secret she never shared with them. Basically the avengers and her are fighting in the mirror realm when her and Bucky both grab the time stone at the same time and get sent back to the 1940 before the war starts.
She befriends Steve and Bucky from back then. She tells Steve to pick her up every morning as a message for him to carry to the future to come find them.
Her and Bucky fall in love slowly as she begins falling for pre-war Bucky and post-winter soldier Bucky. I think pre-serum Steve likes her too.
Every time Steve comes to get her she refers to Bucky as "The Man Upstairs".
They with Jarvis and his wife.
Slowly Bucky begins to get flash memories of what she's creating which he tells her those memories made his time at hydra less terrible.

If you find this fic please tell me who wrote it. I've been trying to find it forever. Whether it's on this platform. Archive of

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