Chapter 31

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Steve's POV

I was back at the hospital at exactly Nine. I want to see her as much as possible. 

I got a call last night from Nat screaming about how the doctors want to take her off life support because she hasn't woken up and keeping her on it is basically pointless. I strongly disagree with that. It's like the doctors don't care who we are.

I find Nat in the waiting room in the same clothing as yesterday. She must have slept here after finding out what they wanted to do, make sure it doesn't happen.

Good. If they want to pull the plug I'll do everything I can to avenge her.

"Hey Rogers. Tony's with her right now. You can see her after." 

"Why is Tony with her?"

"Incase she doesn't make it he doesn't want to feel guilty for not apologizing for an ass he's been."

"How long has he been there?"

"Hour maybe."


"He's Tony. How do you think?"

I nod and make my way back to her room. I don't trust Tony. When I get there I look through the window instead of walking in. The blinds are closed I can't see in. I open the door to see Tony standing in front of me.

"Hey Cap."


"She's all yours." He pats my shoulder walking past me. I notice a brief case with him, but I pay no attention to it. 

She's still in the same stature as yesterday. There's less machinery attached to her which is good. She still has the breathing tubes in her nose. At least the one in her mouth is gone. She looks better than yesterday. She's no longer pale, but her lips are a pale pink. 

I sit on the chair and smile at her, grabbing her hand. 

"Lette. I barely slept last night. I'm trying to think of what else I should tell you. I could tell you how I enjoyed looking for Bucky with you, even though he's your ex husband, or how disappointed I was you didn't come back to the tower with me. I know I shouldn't have let Sam leave you searching for him while he attended Starks party. But I think I want to tell you what I said to him that I haven't even admitted to you yet."

"Sounds like a hell of a fight, sorry I missed it." Sam apologizes as we walk up the steps to the upper level of the room.

"If I knew it was going to be a fire fight, I absolutely would have called you." I joked. "

"No, I'm not actually sorry. I'm just trying to sound tough. I'm very happy chasing cold leads on our missing persons case. Avenging is your world. Your world is crazy." He takes a sip of his beer.

"Be it ever so humble." I laugh.

"You find a place in Brooklyn yet?"

"I don't think I can afford a place in Brooklyn."

"Well, home is home, you know?"

"Yeah." I let my mind wander off to Lette and what she might be doing right now.

"You're thinking about her aren't you?"

"You can tell?"

"You get this longing look in your eye when you do. I noticed it when I first saw you together in the caves when she walked out on us." I go to say something but I don't know what. "Don't worry she looks at you the same way." He gives a small smile.

I smile to myself  at the thought of her looking at me like we're in love.

In love. Am I?

"You think so?" I ask.

"In case you can't tell, you both love each other. You're both too stubborn to admit it."

I scoff at him. "I am not in love with her."

"You keep telling yourself that Cap."  He takes another sip of his beer.

"He thinks we're in love. It's been three years and we still haven't even gone on that date yet." I laugh. 

"Well then you better get to planning it." I snapped my head towards the door to see Sam standing there with flowers. 

"Hey Sam." I got up and hug him.

"How is she?"

"Same as she has been for the last week and a half."

"I'm really sorry Cap. I should have been there. I could have gotten to her. But it's not your fault."

"You sound like Nat."

"Well she's right." 

"I'm glad you're here."

"I would have been here sooner if your battle in Sokovia didn't delay so many flights in the area."


"You blow up a city and all you have to say is whoops?" He laughs. "Man you are crazy."

"Well we got the job done. Unfortunately we might have lost Lette." He gives me a confused look. "They want to take her off life support since she hasn't woken up."

"I think she'll wake up. Just give it time."

"More time than we already have?" Behind me the monitor starts beeping slower. We both look at it and approach her best side. "Sam go get a doctor." The machine flatlines as the doctors start rushing in. 

They're talking but all noises have gone deaf to my ears. Natasha and Clint come rushing in. As do Tony, Wanda and Vision. Nat tries to break free from Clints grip. She's yelling for her sister. Vision is holding me back as the doctors push us out of the room. The last thing I hear before the door closes is "She's crashing."

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