Chapter 49

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"Are you ready for this?" Nat asks.

"I'm not sure," I respond staring outside the large windows in the living space of the compound.

"You know you'll see her, right?" Nat walks to stand next to me. Her arms crossed.

"I know." I look to my pocket where my compass lies.

"She won't have the memories you do. She'll be younger, naive, still not a hundred percent over Bucky, she'll be spunky, paranoid, and careless."

I look out over the landscape before me, memories racing through my mind.

"She was pretty flirtatious with me when we met," I smirk, remembering our second-first meeting at the gym.

"She watched you, you know. When you first came out of the ice. Even dyed her hair black and dressed in fifties-style army cadet uniforms so you weren't scared when you woke."

"She always did take her missions seriously." I chuckle.

Nat looks at me, "That was her first S.H.E.I.L.D assignment. . ."

I look at her puzzled hoping for an explanation.

"After she escaped the Red Room and got married she was practically outcasted. They trained her harder and tried to make her stronger. Break who he made her want to be. Her last mission was an assassination attempt on an army general for one of S.H.E.I.L.D's leading fight teams. She was brutal. Mutilated anyone who tried to stop her.

"Fury sent Barton and me in to stop her. At the time she was known as Jenna Jetson. Took down an entire army base in Greece in one night. No one knew what happened. Initially, they thought it was enemy attackers preying when the soldiers were most vulnerable. We were sent in to check it out. I found her rings discarded on the floor. She left it for me to find.

"When Barton and I found her in Venice she had no memory of who she was. She was brainwashed like Bucky was, but not gone. Said she could see what she was doing but couldn't connect her mind to her body.

"When she saw me she tried to kill me. I recalibrated her mind after knocking her out, brought her to Fury and the rest was history." Nat let out a small laugh, "She said when she saw you in that room, something in her mind clicked. She'd been told all the great stories of Captain Steve Rogers, you inspired something in her I'd never seen. She wanted to be better because of you. To feel as if she were worthy to be in your presence, sleeping or awake."

"I thought Fury said she was a wildcard."

"She was. You may have made her want to be better but that didn't stop her tendencies of getting herself into trouble. I thought Barton and I saved her, but you did."

I look at Nat before looking down at the chain around my neck.

I was going to get her back!

Time skip to time travel bc I am lazy

Tony, Scott, Bruce, and I went back to 2012.

"All right, we all have our assignments. Two Stones uptown, one Stone, down. Stay low. Keep an eye on the clock." I say before Hulk passes through smashing everything in his way. I can tell Bruce is embarrassed by his past actions. "Feel free to smash a few things along the way."

"I think it's gratuitous, but whatever." Bruce pretends to smash things sarcastically. He tears his shirt off and walks over to a car. He lightly punches the car, making a small dent, all the while making growling noises. He picks up a motorbike and throws it, wincing as it hits the wall.


"Got it. I'm approaching the elevator now." I speak into my comms.

"Uh, Mr. Rogers. I almost forgot that that suit," Tony starts, "did nothing for your ass."

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