Chapter 9

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Bucharest is so nice. Since the whole battle of New York, I've been traveling. Natasha and I went back to Russia to see our parents. They're dead. We stayed for a month before Tasha got called into a bunch of missions. I had no intent on going back. I know what you're going to say, "But you promised Steve a date.". Well plans change. I like being out here. It's nice its quiet.

I'm currently sitting at the pool side of the Grande Rhemata Resort and Spa waiting for my margarita, tanning. There's one reason I came back here. It's the last place I could really feel connected to my lost love. Romania was the only place I knew he would be if I was to ever see him again.

"Doamnă Rushman, iată băutura ta" (Ms. Rushman here is your drink.) The waiter said handing me my margarita.

"Multumesc domnule." (Thank you sir). I say grabbing my drink off the tray.

I love it here, it's nice and so are the people. I leave to go to Italy next week. I'll be there for a bit then I'm back in the states. I lay back in the lounge chair and begin to relax. But then my phone rings.
I check the caller ID

"What'd you want Nick." I say sipping my drink.

"I need you to come in."

"I told you I was done Nick. I'm not coming back in."

"My wife's kicking me out." I knew exactly what that's code for.

"How long has there been problems between you two?"

"Since before New York."

"That's a long time. You didn't tell me before I left because?"

"You said you were done."

"So, why are you dragging me into your family drama before I left?"

"I figured you needed a vacation."

"Who else knows?"

"Just my friends."

"I'll hop on the next plane home." With that I hung up. I exchanged my ticket from Italy to Washington D.C. I was not looking forward to going back.

Later that night my enjoyment was cut short when I got a call from Maria. Fury's been shot and is in the hospital. She sent a QUINJET to come get me and I was in D.C. in a few short hours. I stormed into the room to watch Fury behind the glass. I barely even acknowledged Steve standing to my left and Natasha on my right.

"Tell me about the shooter." I yelled.

"He's fast, strong, he's got a metal arm."

"Ballistics?" I ask.

"Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable." Maria told us.

"Soviet-made." Nat said.

"Yeah." Nat and I share a look knowing exactly who it was.

"He's in V-tach." The nurse called out.

"Crash cart coming in." Another nurse said. I had enough and walked out. Steve came after me a bit after.


"Why was Fury at your apartment?" I yelled.

"I don't know."

"Cap they want you back at SHEILD." Some guy came up to us.

"Yeah, give me a sec."

"They want you now."

"Okay." Steve turns back to me.

"You're a terrible liar." With that I walk back in the room to grab Tasha.

When we walk out, I see Steve stick something in the vending machine. Before the guy closes it, I grab the drive.

"Are you okay?" Nat asks me. I know you can see the distressed look on my face.
"I don't—I don't know. The man who attacked Fury. You don't think it's—"
"Lette it's been way to long since—I doubt it."
"Or maybe it is. They're losing their touch."
"What do you mean?"
"If it is him. They know Steve won't fight him."
"Maybe that's exactly why they sent him. Steve wouldn't fight him, Lette."
I know she's right. A part of me hopes she's not.
"But Nat what the hell is going on at SHIELD?"
Ooo Steve's hiding something.

What does Scarlette know about the shooter?
First update. See y'all with the next chapter next week😁😁

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