Chapter 5

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(Steve's POV)

"Hey! That's enough! Now, I don't know what you plan on doing here." I said after landing on the ground yelling at the man with the hammer

"I've come here to put an end to Loki's schemes!" He said

"Then prove it! Put the hammer down."

"Um, yeah, no! Bad call! He loves his hammer!" Does Tony ever shut up? He's worse then Howard. He then hits Tony back his hammer.

"You want me to put the hammer down?" He then lifts up his hammer about to hit me. I put up my shield as he brings his hammer down. A wave of air from the impact knocks over the trees. Then Scarlette comes down in a parachute.

"Please tell me you did not do this." Scarlette says rolling her eyes. I stand there silent as I look around at all the fallen trees.

"If it isn't Lady Romanoff." The guy with the hammer says. I'm confused.

"Hello Thor." Scarlette gave him a hug. She knows him?

"You know Shakespeare over here?" Tony questioned. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yes, when he came to Earth, I was one of the agents assigned to investigate him. Now let's grab Loki and get your asses back on that ship," She says as she turns around to walk up the hill where Loki is. We just stood there staring at her. She turns around crossing her arms, "I'm sorry did I stutter?" That was cute not going to lie. She's like 5'3 but packs a wallop. A woman who takes charge. Noted!

We follow her back to the ship. The ride on the jet was quiet. I couldn't help but feel bad my first time really back in the world and I demolished a forest. But what really surprised me was Scarlette. For someone who is 5'3 she seems very courageous for someone of that size and bold. I mean it's really cute but, I don't know is that how girls are now?

She was helping Natasha fly the jet back to the carrier just sitting there quietly. They don't seem like they get along. I wouldn't know I've been an only child all my life. I'm not sure how siblings are supposed to act. The closest thing I had to a sibling was Bucky. But he was my best friend. We arrived back on the carrier. Scarlette shot out of her seat and walked off kind of sassy.

"Feisty one isn't she." Stark says patting my back.

"What? I question him.

"It's okay Capsicle, I bet you'd like a girl who takes control and is a little bossy. You clearly have a type. But careful older Romanoff won't like you hitting on her sister." I had no idea what this guy was talking about. I just looked at him in utter confusion.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied. I did and he wasn't wrong.

"Sure, you don't Cap. It's okay, not everyone can get with whoever they want." He smirked at me. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said. I really didn't I wasn't attracted to her. Was I? I mean I'm still upset I lost Peggy.

"Sure, you don't. But if you want go for it. I'd be surprised if I ever saw Lette date someone. Might as well be you. Even though you're like 70 years older than her" Tony says patting my back walking off the jet. I looked over at Scarlette. What's this feeling?

"Don't listen to Tony," Nat said scaring me, "But don't touch my sister." I looked over at Scarlette, she was staring back at me. I looked away quickly

"Wasn't planning on it." I said clearing my throat walking out. Was I?

Sorry these chapters are so short. But I feel like certain aspects of the movie need to be broken up into different parts.

What do you think about Steve's view on her. Do you think he likes her and will do something about it? Or stay away because of his feelings for Peggy.

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