Chapter 29

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Don't play song until I say so:)

Steves POV

They've been operating for over two hours.


I've been told nothing. The doctor came out to tell Nat she went into cardiac arrest. Her body is too weak to handle the meds she's been given. 

Her heart couldn't handle it.

God. Even saying it in my head makes me sick to my stomach. It should have been me. I should be the one on that hospital bed not her.

I stare into her room through the window. I can't bring myself to go inside.

I've been a mess. I just want her to get better. I need her to get better.

"Steve." Nat calls me out of my depressing thoughts. "They're done."

"What happened?"

"Blood clot. Her heart isn't processing this injury very well. The doctors are saying it doesn't look good. They don't think she'll wake up. They said if she was going to, she would have already."

"I have a hard time believing that. You said it yourself she's survived worse."

"That was before she had a heart attack."

"There has to be more they can do. There has to."

"Look I don't know-"

"What if we bring her to Tony at the compound. They have the best doctors there that could help her."

"Steve, after what just happened she's too weak to even have the possibility of being moved" I drop my head between the shoulders, "You should talk to the doctor." 

(Play song now)

I let out a loud sigh. I've been doing that a lot lately. I practically drag myself to the door as the doctor is leaving. I jog over calling his name.

"What can I do for you Mr. Rogers?"

"Tell me about her. I need to know if she'll be okay."

"Good news, she woke up from her coma while in surgery which was successful," He hesitates for a moment. I don't think I want to hear what he has to say next. I keep trying to focus on the fact she woke up from the coma, "Bad news, she suffered server head trauma. She may not have her memory when she wakes up."

"But she will wake up?" I feel a slight sense of hope in my chest.

"Thats up to her. Most times the body won't wake up until fully recovered. She seems to be one of those cases. The brain feels she isn't safe. Until it does, it won't work properly to wake her up. Talk to her, it may keep you in her mind long enough not to lose the memory of you."

"Can I see her?" He nods his head. I rush into her room. 

This time there is no cold eerie feeling. Some color seems to have come back to face. Her lips no longer a purple-blue color. She has breathing tubes connected to her nose and mouth. She didn't have them before, that scares me. I want to know she'll wake up and be alright. But seeing her like this doesn't help. 

The doctor said to talk to her to keep me in her memory. I take a seat and stare at her. I grab her hand and start telling her all the things I remember about her.

I slam my fists into the punching bag hard. My past haunting my thoughts. 

Peggys words. "You won't be alone."

I keep slamming fists into the bag until it breaks. I pant heavily. I grab another bag and hang it up. I start hitting it again. Slowly, trying to get back into the rhythm I had before. When someone speaks up. "Trouble sleeping?" It's a female voice. One I don't recognize at all. 

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