Chapter 30

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Natasha's POV

I tell Steve he needs a shower. When he leaves the room I break down.

I sit in the chair and start sobbing.

"Lette, I know you can't hear me. But I need you too. I'm so sorry. I hope you know that." I choke up a sob, "We've been through too much for this to be it." I press my forehead to our interlocked hands. I take in a deep breath before I continue, "I remember your wedding night." I let out a laugh, "God, we got in so much trouble when we got back. But they were okay with it. I always knew that was weird. Only for us to find out they wanted you both to have children to have the ultimate soldier children. When you told them you didn't want your child growing up like you did, I remember them taking you away from me. I thought you were dead. Then you came back nine months later and you looked so broken. I remember asking what happened and I saw what little light you had left drain from your eyes."

I have to stop talking to catch my breath. I didn't realize that I was talking through tears. I take in a deep breath.

"I went back there to get rid of what was left of the Red Room. I really want to say I can't believe what they did to a twenty year old. They were so cruel to you. I knew it was because they couldn't break who you were. I'm so glad Barton found you in O-nine and didn't let you keep living how you did. I know you're afraid to tell Steve what they did to you, but I promise it won't change how he feels about you." I kiss her hand and stand up, "Promise me you'll tell him." I whisper in her ear before kissing her forehead. I try and compose myself before walking out of the room.

I stop in my tracks when I see Tony sitting on a chair looking as if he's in deep thought. Contemplating something.

"What are you doing here Tony?" He stands up quickly.

"How is she?"

"Oh, like you care."

"Actually I do. I'm here with a solution but if you don't want it." He goes to walk off. I'm going to regret this but.

"What solution?" He turns back towards me.

"I went through dads old notes. Found a formula for the super soldier serum. Or at least his." I don't like where this is going.

"What are you getting at Tony?"

"What if we give her a portion of that serum. Just enough to get her to wake up. Not enough to make her like Rogers."

"Would that even work?"

"Worth a shot isn't it?"

Steve's POV

I feel better after having a hot shower. I throw on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, packing an over night bag incase I choose to sleep at the hospital again. I probably will.

I hop onto my bike and speed back to the hospital. I practically dash back to her room. I see Tony walk away from Nat.

I wonder what that's about.

"What was Tony doing here?" I ask getting straight to the point.

"Just regular Tony nonsense." I nod my head. "She's still the same. Sat with her for a bit. Visiting hours are almost over, if you have anything else you want to say to her I suggest you say it now before they make you go home."

I nod and walk back into the room sitting on the same chair as before.

I interlock my fingers with hers. "Hey, I'm back. Nat made me go to the compound and shower. You haven't even seen the new compound yet. It's nice. You'd really like it. There's a room for you, across from Nat, right next to mine, waiting for you to fill it with your things. I think I'm gonna keep rabbling until I figure out where I left off. I think our first meeting. I remember watching walk around. I was so lost and you just knew what you were doing. God Lette you were the most beautiful woman on that ship." I laugh. "I was still stuck on Peggy at that point. But you, there was just something about you I couldn't wrap my mind around." I kiss the back of her hand. "I remember when we had to go and get Loki. You were so snappy and you took charge. I knew right then and there that I wanted to be with you. You just had this leadership quality to you that I couldn't just help be attracted too."

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