Chapter 37

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"Hello?" Tony answers his phone sounding depressed.

"Turn on the TV." I state quickly

"Who is this?"

"Scarlette, now turn on the TV."

I hear buttons clicking, Then the sound of the news lady talking about what happened in Lagos.

"Scarlette, tell me you weren't there."

"I wasn't, but I saw everything." I pause, "Tony what's going to happen?"

"I don't know, but for now don't worry about it, let me call Rogers,"

"Okay." I hang up the phone and walk to the landing pad to wait for everyone to arrive.

Pietro meets me at the landing pad waiting for his sister to come back. I look at him closely and notice he has my blue eyes. I hate that I missed so much time with them. They've got to be at least sixteen or seventeen by now. I missed their whole childhood because they were taken from me right away.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" He asks me looking into the distance. The compound is surrounded by a forest of trees. Nice and quiet just how I like it. No one would find us, so we're safe. For now.

"She'll be shaken up. She'll need you now more than ever." I say looking away before he can turn and met my eyes. 

"She'll need her mother too." He mumbles. I look at him in shock. "Yeah, we know?"

"Both of you?" He simply nods. "Oh, thank god." I hug him tightly letting a few tears fall, I never cry so I quickly wipe the tears away. "Don't tell anyone, I don't know what's about to happen. If they find out you and her are my kids, they'll use that against me, and you. I won't let them take you from me again."

"Why did you let them take us the first time?" 

He looks me right in the eyes. I feel the pain he has from me not being around. I felt it to. My whole life there was missing from me, now they're back and I still don't feel whole because I can't rekindle what was lost. Too much time has passed.

"I wanted to, but then they told me you were dead." At this point I'm practically sobbing. I have my little baby boy is standing right in front of me. I bury my head in his chest and cry. I feel tears slip from his eyes wetting my hair. "I'm so sorry I didn't go looking for you both. I could have stopped all this from happening to you. I could have given you both a normal childhood."

"You did what you had to do. I forgive you." 

"You have no idea how good it is to hear that, unfortunately I don't think I'll get the same reaction from your sister."

"Give it time." 

The wind around us starts picking up whipping my hair in all directions. I release Pietro, reluctantly taking a step back looking up at the jet landing as it lands on the ground.

When the back opens, I watch Sam, Nat, Steve and Wanda walk down the ramp. I can see the tears in her eyes. Pietro walks up to her pulling her into a hug. I want to be able to hug them but I can't risk questions right now. They don't need added stress.

I walk up to Nat wrapping her in a bone crushing hug and giving Sam the same hug. I turn to look at Steve who hasn't looked up from the ground. Nat gives me a look. I nod and walk over to Steve.

"Hey," I grab his face trying to make him look at me. He doesn't let his eyes meet mine. "Steve, it's not your fault." I look towards Wanda, she hesitantly meets my eyes, "It's none of your faults. You didn't know he'd blow himself up."

Steve wraps his arms around my waists burying his head in the crook of my neck. He lets out a heavy breath. I wrap my arms around his neck playing with ends of his hair.

"Let's get you all inside. I'll make coffee." I take Steve by the waist, walking arm and arm with him into the compound. I look over my shoulder at everyone else. I can tell Wanda is taking this the hardest. My heart drops at the sight of her tears. I shake my head choosing to focus on Steve right now. I'll check on her later.

I get Steve into the compound and back into his room to change out of his uniform. I sit him on the bed. He puts his head on his hand. I know he's about to start beating himself up over this whole mess.

"I can't believe I did that. I can't believe I let people die." I sigh siting on his bed next to him.

"It's not your fault you didn't know." I say rubbing his back.

I know how he feels about Bucky after what happened in DC. We've been looking for him and no luck. Well, he's has no luck. I chose to let him live I peace.

He looks up at me like I said Rumlow was a good guy, "I let people die. I shouldn't have taken her with me, she wasn't ready."

"Yes, she was, Rumlow just made you question everything, that was his plan. He needed you to be confused long enough to kill you." He rested his forehead against mine.

"I'm glad you didn't go. I wouldn't know what I'd do if you'd gotten hurt."

"I know, baby I know." He plants a kiss on my nose. "Now go take a shower you smell gross." I laugh pushing him off the bed to stand. He gives me a look. I scoot back against the headboard crossing my legs at the ankles laying my hands in my lap. "I'll be here when you get out." He gives me a small smile heading into the bathroom.

I wait five minutes before getting up sneaking over to Wanda's room. I lean in her door way watching as she sits on her bed picking at the guitar strings in her lap. I can see the distress from today in her face. I can tell she thinks it's all her fault just like Steve thinks it's his.

"You should really let people hear you play." I push off the door way taking a seat next to her.

She looks up at me putting the guitar back on its stand. She looks at me awkwardly leaning against the wall. I scoot back against her head board and pat the side neck to me motioning for her to sit down. She hesitantly walks over to me and sits down.

"I never thought I'd see the day where my daughter wouldn't sit next to her mother, thought I missed the teen years." I look at her, "I'm glad I didn't."

"You know?" She sighs.

"I know."


"I knew from the moment I met you when you hexed us. I'm surprised you chose to show me Steve and not you both being taken from me. I also heard you guys in the hospital."

The next she did was totally unexpected.

She hugs me tightly. 

I instantly wrap my arms around her, smoothing her hand down. "Shhhh, it's okay I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere."

Little FYI I cried writing this chapter

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