Chapter 34

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Scarlette's POV

After three days of examination, I was finally allowed to leave the hospital. Steve hasn't left my side. He's like a puppy. Unfortunately for him, unlike puppies I can get annoyed with him. I sent him to get me some caramel apple ice cream so I could have a few minutes of peace for myself.

He stuck me on bed rest and I haven't left my room. If I hadn't lost ten pounds in the hospital I'd probably be getting a little pudgy by now. Steve won't let anyone besides him or Nat to see me right now either.

Don't get me wrong I love seeing Steve, but if I see him one more time I might punch him.

I've been rewatching Harry Potter since I have nothing to do and just started the series for the second time. I don't know why they haven't put it on Netflix yet. Steve insists he watches with me so he can change the DVD so I don't have to get out of bed. I just finished the first movie and realized I'd have to get out of bed to change it. I haven't walked since Sokovia. Steve insists he carry me everywhere. That includes the going to take a shower. I can stand on own and everything. But I haven't taken more than five steps at a time. By then Steve goes, "nope" and picks me up and puts me back on the bed.

I swear I'm going to punch him in his perfect teeth.

Someone knocks on my door and walks in I expect it to be Steve so I pretend to be asleep.

"Get up. I just heard you whining over the movie being over." It's just Natasha thank god.

I pick my head up and look at her. "Oh it's just you." I sit up and stretch my arms.

"Common get up." She grabs my arms pulling me forward.

"Steve won't like you pulling me out of bed."

"Which is exactly why I should." She chuckles.

I stand up and try and walk but wobble over to my dresser and trip catching myself. "Ugh blood hurt up."

"You're legs are asleep?"

"Nat, Steve hasn't let me walk."

"Thank god I'm here. Get dressed." She sits on bed and watches me struggle to get my pants on. "Oh my god this is great." I look up and see her recording me with her phone.

"Nat, delete that."

"No way." She stands up, "You ready?"

I look down at my long sleeve and leggings, "I guess yeah."

"Common everyone will be so happy to see you. They're just about ready to pummel Steve for not letting us see you."

"Believe me, me too." I chuckle. She starts walking down the stairs quickly and I fall behind still walking slow trying to keep my balance.

Nat notices I'm not behind her and stop and sighs. "We haven't done this in forever." She walks back to me and crouches. "Get on." I climb onto her and she carries me to the main room.

"Hey look who's back!" Clint cuts off Tony's incessant rambling.

"CLINT!" I slide off Nat back and go to run to him. I trip and fall. Before hitting the ground someones caught me. I look up to see Clint caught me.

"I would laugh if you weren't on your death bed a few days ago."

"Clint!" Nat scolds.

"It's fine Nat, really. I'm just glad to not be trapped in my room anymore." I smile.

"If Steve sees you out here he'll flip his-" I cut off Clint.

"He's not here, we don't have to tell him. I'll be back in my room before he gets back. I sent him on an impossible hunt to find a tub of Caramel Apple Pie ice cream." I give a cheeky grin.

"And they call me the mischievous Romanoff." Nat laughs.

"Haha, that's funny we all know it's me." I say plopping myself down on the couch next to Tony.

"No it's not." Nat laughs.

"Okay it's you." I raise my hands in surrender. When Nat looks away I point to myself and mouth, "it's totally me."

I lay further into the plush cushions of the couch getting comfortable. I forgot what things that aren't my bed feel like. I feel eyes on me. As if on instinct I jerk my head behind me thinking Steve was standing there but it's just Tony staring at me like I have three thousand heads.

"You good there, Tony?" I ask.

He's sitting with his hand covering his mouth, with a confused face. "You died and now you're alive and are acting like it didn't happen."

"Tony!" Nat scolds.

"No, Nat, it's fine." I tell her.

I honestly want to know why I'm alive. I remember dying. I was in Limbo one minute then the next I was kissing Steve before I could open my eyes.

"When you were asleep what did you see?" Wanda asks.

"I was just kinda walking around in a blank space. I could hear everything you guys were saying. But I couldn't react, but some of the things I heard i guarantee didn't happen."

"Well what did you hear?" Clint asks.

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