Chapter 45

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Warnings: TFAWS Spoiler warning. I tried to include the scene and write around it while including specific elements without giving to much away.


*Sometime in 2017*

"Queens friendly neighborhood Spider-Man saves a group of young kids from being robbed by a group of bandits." The news lady speaks. "Nothing out of the ordinary for this hero. The question still stands who is this man under the mask?"

The sound of the woman talking is drowned out by my focus on the worksheets in front of me.

After the Civil War incident Tony gave me a spot in his company to help out. Give me something to do besides worrying about Steve or Natasha and what they're up too.

"Hey kiddo." Tony walks into my office with fresh coffees.

He places them on my desk before taking a seat on the couch.

"How you holding up?" He asks giving me a sultry tone.

I look up from my work only to see him staring blankly into his cup. 

I drop my pen on my desk with a sigh before standing up.

"I should be asking you that?" I sit on the edge of my desk folding my hands against my thighs.

"I'm worried about Peter."He states simply.

"Why don't you call her?"

He looks up at me, finally.

"I don't even know what I'd say."

"How about 'hello'?" I hand him my desk phone.


"It's late, you should head home." Tony says.

"In a minute. Let me finish up these last few emails, then I'll be ahead for tomorrow."

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow." He gives me a small smirk that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Don't stay up too late in the lab." I give him the same smile back.

"Goodnight kiddo."

"Night." I mumble.

He closes the door leaving me to my work.

The work load from Tony has given me gave me the greatest distraction of my life.

I finally feel like I'm doing something useful and helpful without people thinking of me as a criminal.

Tony allowed me answer emails and be second in command with technology and sales.

But on top of that, I answer emails.

Sounds boring, but it keeps me busy.

By the time the last email I was ready to go home but one more came in that caught my attention.

Hello Ms. Romanoff,

We have Sergeant Barnes with us here in Wakanda. He is almost clear of his super soldier programing. He wishes to see you.

We will send a plane to pick you up at these coordinates


Do NOT be late.




That's where they've been hiding.

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