Chapter 21

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I get off the QUINJET that picked me up from the airport. I walk into the tower. It's a mess. Glass everywhere tables broken. Alcohol in sticky piles on the floor. I'm greeted by my sister and Clint.

"Wow place looks like shit."

"Language Steve doesn't like that kind of talk."

"You told her about that already?" Clint asks.

"He's been telling me to watch my language for months." I laugh and start walking with them towards the lab. Clint gets a phone call and walks off. Nat and I share a knowing look and start walking back towards the lab. I hear Steve and drag Nat to walk faster.

"Why are you walking so fast?" She asks dragging her heals.

"Because I did something stupid before I came here."

"You didn't!" She drags me down a private hallway.

"That depends what do you think I did?"

"You found him and slept with him."

"What? No. I found him," I cleared my throat, "and he kissed me like he remembered me."

"Did he?"

"I don't know, but if Sam hadn't called me, I wouldn't have pulled away. I mean Nat, that was my husband for god sakes."

"Exactly WAS!" She annunciated.

"He's not a terrible person."

"You mean your assassin of an ex-husband who not only tried to kill you, but me and Steve. You kissed him, was it good? Did you start it?"

"He grabbed me and kissed me. I felt everything I used to feel."

"Well would you get back with him?"

"I don't know. I mean he hardly remembers who I am. Besides I have a good thing going with Steve."

"You did. Do you know what he's gonna do when he finds out?"

"Nothing because he's not gonna find out. You're not gonna tell him."

"The truth will come out eventually. It happened once it can happen again. What if he comes to look for you?" I laugh at her.

"He doesn't even remember me. He won't come looking for me."

"You don't know he could remember you and come looking for you."

"And risk getting caught? Yeah Nat I'm sure he'd remember enough about me to actually come looking for me and risk getting taken again by HYDRA. Cause that would be a smart idea."

"You-" She suddenly stops talking and looks behind me. I turn to see Steve standing there. Oh no. How much did he hear? Couldn't be much because she would have seen him sooner.

"Scarlette, you're're back." He says almost as if he can't believe I'm here.

"Yeah I'm back. Sam called me told me I needed to come in. Tony did something stupid apparently. Didn't tell me what. Care to brief me on it?"

"Sure." I shoot a look to Nat as I begin to walk away from Steve.

He fills me in on the party and how Tony created a psychopathic robot named Ultron who escaped through the internet and these two teens named Wanda and Pietro Maximoff are on his side and are enhanced. That I need to be careful around her she can tamper with your mind. We walk into the lab where everyone is. Seeming to be having a heated argument over this whole shabakal. Tony looks at me like I'm not supposed to be here. Which I'm not.

"Hold up. What is she doing her?" He points an accusing finger at me.

"Cleaning up your mess again. Funny how it's suddenly 2010 again." I smile at him snidely.

"Don't push me right now little Romanoff. You've been off. No one knows where. Sam showed up here for the party you didn't. So, where were you? Back working with HYDRA maybe with your ex-husband." I look at him wide eyed. How does he know about that? "Oh yeah, I read all about it in your file. You two were lovers back in the Red Room. I bet you were even with him. Rekindling your romance."

"Tony quit it." Steve steps in.

"Why? Why should I? She's a wildcard. Fury said it himself before he died. We don't know much about her. For all we know she knows exactly where he is. She's just hiding it."

"WAS a wildcard. Tony how did you get your hands on that file?" I yelled.

"When I had JARVIS hack into SHIELD during New York. You know your file was the hardest one to get too. How many other secrets are you hiding?"

"Stark that's enough leave my sister alone and let's get back to fixing your mess once again."

"Look now the sister is helping hide your secrets."

"Oh my god Tony. You'd think me almost dying trying to save the world from HYDRA in DC, from one of your creations, again, would be enough to get you to trust me."

I turn to walk out. But not before hearing Tony say, "And you all call me dramatic."

I can't believe Tony. I've been cleaning up his messes for the last five years. You'd think he'd have some respect for me. Guess I was mistaken. I walk up to where the rooms are and since I don't have one, I walk into the first room I see. Luckily for me it's Steves. If I went into Nat's that's the first place they'd look. I sit on his bed and begin to break down into a sob. I cry over the bullying I get from Tony, from my kiss with Bucky, my feelings with Steve. It gets to the point where I don't know what to do anymore.

I sit on his bed for I don't know how long. I hear someone open the door and sit next to me. I don't look up from my hands. I feel large arms wrap around me. I know their Steves. I stop crying and compose myself. I don't cry in front of anyone.

"Sorry, he just, ugh, he knows how to get under my skin."

"It's okay. I know we aren't really anything, but why did it get under your skin so much him mentioning you hiding Bucky?" I'm not facing him. I know if I was, he'd know what I'm about to say hurts me more than I make it sound.

"He was my husband Steve. It hurts me to hear him say all those things because the Winter Soldier is not who he is. It kills me that he talks of me and him so poorly. I've done everything to change what I've done in the past. To do better."

"Scarlette. The man you met and fell for wasn't Bucky, not the real him." This grind my gears.

"How can you say that?" I yell at him. Scream even. "He wasn't the Winter Soldier when I met him. Something sparked in him." I'm talking softer now. "He was sent to kill me for escaping. He saw me. I saw it in his eyes. He snapped out of it."

"Scarlette that's not possible."

"He did it on the Carrier. He snapped out of it long enough for me to give him the ring. Steve, he pulled you and me out of the lake. If that's not something the old him would I don't know what is."

"You gave him your necklace, why?" I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him neck. I'm grateful I wore heels. I'd be too short without them.

"Because I knew it'd help him remember. Besides he's alive and I moved on."

"Did you find him?" He wraps his arms around my waist resting on my hips. I shake my head no. I know I'm lying to him but it's for the best. "So, you moved on, to who? Who captured the young assasonettes heart?" He gives me a coy smile.

"Oh, just some old army guy who shoved me into a wall after waking up from an ice coma." I smile. He dips his head down to kiss me. I stand a bit more on my toes to meet him. When our lips met, I feel fireworks go off inside my stomach. Our bodies mold together naturally, it doesn't feel forced like were trying to match. It feels natural. he pulls away and I smile.

"Suit up. We leave in five."

For the record, I love Tony. But I need him to be a jerk for a little bit. 😁😁

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