Chapter 23

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Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of its characters or video clips. All rights go to the original owners!

I woke up from Steve lightly nudging me. I'm lying on the floor of the jet. I must have fallen asleep. Steve helps carry me in to the house. Clints house. 

"What is this place?" Thor asks.

"A safe house?" Tony questions.

"Let's Hope." We walk inside. "Honey I'm home." Clint calls out. A very pregnant Laura comes out. surprised to see all of us. "Hi company, sorry I didn't call ahead."

"Hey." Laura kisses him.

"This is an agent of some kind." Tony mumbles to us.

"Gentleman, this is Laura." Clint introduces.

"I know all your names." Everyone looks at her awkwardly.

"Ooh, incoming." Cooper and Lila run into him arms. I catch myself smiling and immediately stop.

"Dad!" Clints picks up Lila and kisses Coopers head. 

"I see her! Hey buddy! How you guys doing? Ooh..."

"These are smaller agents." Tony is still trying to make sense of this.

"Look at your face! Oh, my goodness!"

"Did you bring Auntie Nat and Auntie Scarlette?" Lila asks.

"Why don't you hug us and find out." Nat and I go and hug Lila. I look towards Steve. He's giving us weird looks. 

"Sorry for barging in on you." Steve apologizes. 

"Yeah, we have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed." 

"Jeez Tony way to be polite about it." I roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah, well Fury helped me set this up when I joined. He kept it off SHIELD's files, I'd like to keep it that way. I figured this was a good place to lay low." I smile lightly at Clint and approach Laura with Nat.

"Honey. Ah I missed you two." She smiles at us.

"How little Natasha, huh?" Nat caresses her stomach.

"You mean Scarlette." I laughed.

"I've known Clint longer. So no, I mean Natasha."

"She's...Nathanial. Scarlette was hard to find a male version of." I frown at Laura.

Nat and I bend down to her stomach, "Traitor." I watch as Steve leaves and follows Thor outside yelling his name. I debate following him but I chose to stay inside.


After changing into my spare clothes I leave at the Bartons from spontaneous visits, I walk outside seeing Clint teaching the kids how to fix the porch. I laugh and go sit on the swing. I notice Steve and Tony chopping wood. Steves pile is significantly bigger than Tonys. I can see from Steves face they're having an argument. Tony pulls a final string and Steve rips the log he's holding in half. 

That was hot.

Clint throws one of the pillows at me. 

"CLINT!" I squeal.

"You got a little drool." He fake wipes his chin. 

"Oh, I do, huh?" I stand up and throw the pillow back at him. He runs off the porch and I chase him into the yard. The kids follow after us chasing me. Clint runs pasted Steve.

I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waste. I know their Steve's based on the size. I squirm to get out of his arms. No use.

I eventually stop and give a dead panned look at Clint.

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