Chapter 7

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I walked down the corridor to a hall where I know there aren't as many people around. Something tipped me off in the conversation with Fury. I walk down the long hallway and open the door with my key card. Weapons room, bingo! I opened a crate with all the pistols and holsters. I reloaded my gun and grabbed a taser and put a few extra gadgets in my belt. I noticed a crate I haven't seen before. I walked up to it and read the label. "Phase Two". I opened the crate, Hydra weapons. Of course, Nick has Hydra weapons on board.

I hear the door open I quickly jump up to the second shaft and hide behind a crate. I see someone sneaking around. I switch into spy mode and sneak around following them. I get a look at their face, Steve.
I'm curious as to what he's doing so I just watch him. He jumps to the second-floor shaft where I went and open the crate I just did and look into space.

"Sneaking around are we." I smirked snaking down from where I was hiding.

"Scarlette." He jumps back I startled him.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." I said sitting on a crate. I stared into his blue eyes. They were gorgeous I could get lost.

"What is Shield doing with Hydra weapons?" He asked.

"I don't know. That's what I came in here to figure out. Also, great job breaking the door. If you told me you wanted to snoop around you could have borrowed my key card to get in here." I give him my best flirtatious smile.

"Stark said something to tip me off. Last minute plans. Besides didn't think you were one who would sneak around Fury's back."

"What, I'm not Fury's little bitch like Nat is." I said rolling my eyes.

"You don't seem to like each other very much."

"I don't listen to Fury like Nat does. She has a redder ledger than I do. Almost got exiled from SHEILD because I don't follow protocol. According to Fury, I'm a wild card. I shouldn't even be in hear right now."

"So, why are you here?" Steve asked me.

"Something that's been ringing around in the back of my mind. Like what is phase two?" I say picking up a gun.

"Weapons I'm guessing. But I don't understand what the cube is for."

"It's a self-sustaining energy source. I wouldn't be surprised if he's going to use the cube to power those weapons."

"How is that even possible?"

"It's SHIELD everything they are is a big question mark." Then I heard someone walk through the weapons corridor.

"Who's in here?" I heard an agent say. Steve grabbed my arm to pull me away from the agent.

"Shit!" I exclaim. I grab one of the weapons and run the opposite direction of the agent. I see a large crate and pull him behind it with me. I make him crouch down. Why does this dude have to be so big?

"I'm not joking. Come out and I won't shoot," I jumped up to the third level shaft quietly.

"Scarlette where are you going?" Steve asked. I ignored him and walked over to where I was above him and slid down.

"Jesus Lette you scared me. What are you doing in here?" The agent said to me.

"I could ask you the same thing." I said batting my eyelashes.

"I saw the door open. Might I say you have the most dazzling blue and green eyes." The agent flirted. I internally rolled my eyes.

"Oh, I just needed another set of bullets for my gun. I used them up at shooting practice." I said ignoring his comment.

"Oh okay. Well hurry up you know you shouldn't be in here."

"Technically neither should you. I don't remember you having a director issued access card to get in here. I'd go before I tell Fury you were here. I'll lock up."

"Okay, I think I'm going to go now." He ran off. I laugh. I wait for him to walk down the hall so he won't hear me.

"You can come out now Steve." I said looking at the crate he was behind.

"I'm grabbing one of those guns as proof."

"Okay, but I didn't let you in here. Got it?" We walk back up to the lab, Steve drops the gun on the table.

Can you tell if they like each other yet?
Or is this just casual friendliness?

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