Chapter 50

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I know the beginning of this chapter is dodgey but please bear with it.

Time skip

"Where's Nat?" I ask noticing she's not on the time pad with us.

"Clint where's Nat?" Bruce asks.

He falls to his knees with tears in his eyes.


"Did she have any family?" Tony asks.

"Yeah, us," I respond.

Bruce allows a moment of anger by throwing a bench across the water.

"We have the stones, let's end this. Get everyone back. We will NOT let her die in vain." I say looking at everyone.

They all get up and begin towards the compound, except Tony.

"You know she won't be able to handle this, maybe bringing her back won't be worth it."

"How could you even say something like that? If this were Pepper, wouldn't you do any and everything to get her back? I already lost her once, now Nat, I'm not living the rest of my life without the person I love again."

He stays silent understanding my point.

"What if it doesn't work and we don't bring them back, then what?"

"I don't know," I shake my head.

"Then let's hope it works."


"Avengers," Thor's hammer flies into my hand, "Assemble." Everyone begins charging into battle.

I threw the hammer and charge at anyone who came at me. I keep my eye out for her. Hoping I'll be able to see her.

Time goes by and still nothing. 

Scarlett POV

I attacked anyone who came at me.

"Steve!" I scream looking for him. 

There are so many people around me I can't make anyone out.



Steves POV

"Steve!" I hear someone yell. 

I ran towards the voice.

"STEVE!" I hear again.

I see her, still in her suit from before she was snapped. Hair is a mess. 

"Steve!" She screams one more time.

"Scarlette!" I shout running as fast as I can to get to her.

"Steve!" She shouts when she sees me running.

She opens her arms as I crash into her, pulling her into my arms, "I thought I lost you." 

I hold her face in my hands staring deep into her eyes.

"You could never lose me." Tears well in her eyes.

I don't wait before crashing my lips onto hers pulling her closer by her waist. Fireworks exploded around us. Ever since I came out of the ice, nothing has felt right, until now.

"Hey Cap," Tony speaks through comms, "I'm all for happy reunions, but do you think the lip-locking can wait until after we kick Thanos's ass?"

"Sorry, Tony." She speaks smiling at me, "Together?" 

I grab her hand, "Together."

Time Skip

"I. Am. Ironman." Tony snaps his fingers.

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