Chapter 44

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*Phone rings*

"Hello." I answer my phone.

"Where are you?"

"Hello Lette, how are you, Lette? I'm good Natasha, thanks for asking Natasha." I joke on the phone with my sister.

"Cut the crap and tell me where you are." Her tone is low and angry I can tell she's beyond pissed with me.

"I can't do that Nat." I sigh.

"You know damn well what the government will do to you if you help him."

"I didn't sign Nat. They can't control me."

"You really want to go back to being a criminal?" She asks.

I take a moment to contemplate this. I've been on the run for most of my life, been seen as a criminal and didn't care. I was a wildcard. But now I had to make a choice. Be the wildcard on the 'good' side or the wildcard on his side. There is no easy choice. I either choose the man I love, my daughter and best friend. Or my sister and my son.

I know James and was in Vienna. I was with him, but I'll get in a lot more trouble pleading why I knew where he was and not telling anyone exposing my past with him. I knew my choice was clear but couldn't do anything about it.

"Nat, are sure signing the accords was the right choice? Was it worth trying to wipe out the red in your ledger?"

"I hope so, because I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do if it doesn't."

"Then you know what I have to do?"

"Yeah, I do. See you on the battle field, sis."

I hang up on her before taking my phone and chucking it into the cement wall knowing full well she'd use it to track me.

"You okay?" James asks walking up behind me.

"Yeah." I sigh, "Just sucks had to chose between them, you know?" I sigh and look at Wanda.

"Are they?" He asks.

"Honestly I don't know. Would be easier if they were, yes. But I was inseminated so many times I don't know who's they are." I let a tear slide down my face. Before I could wipe it away he beats me to it using his metal arm. I lean in his hand closing my eyes raking in the comfort I've longed for since this day began.

I instantly pull him into a hug and allow silent tears to fall down my face.

Someone clears their throat. I pull away from James and see Steve staring at us as I wipe the tears from under my eyes.

"It's time let's go." He says I can hear the annoyance in his voice.

James walks over to the car leaving me alone with Steve and his intense stare.

"Steve--" I start.

"Just save it." He holds his hand up signaling me to stop, "I wonder how many other secrets you've been keeping from me."

He heard. He heard me tell James (his best friend) Wanda and Pietro are me children before I told him.

I utterly messed up this time.

He walks away from me getting into the small car he rented.

Sam sits in the passenger seat leaving me to squeeze in the back with James. Probably not the best idea considering Steves mad at me for multiple reasons right now.

We drive into and underpass of the airport where we're meeting someone to grab our gear. We pull up to a grey Audi and stop. Steve gets out meeting the blonde bimbo.

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