Chapter 35

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"Well what exactly did you hear?" Clint asks.

"Steve telling me stories from when we met. You guys all saying goodbye," I stop not wanting to say the next part. I look at everyone who all have confused  faces. Wanda and Pietro are shifting uncomfortably in their chairs. "Tony injecting me with a portion of Howards super soldier serum, and my kids saying goodbye." I mumble the last part so it's almost in audible.

"What was that? I could have sworn you said kids." Tony says.

"You injected her with the serum?" Steve says dropping the bag of ice cream on the floor.

"Steve, you're back." I say quickly turning around leaning on the back of the couch.

"Relax Rogers it was only enough to try and heal her." Tony groans.

"She died, Tony !"

"And now I'm alive. Can I have my ice cream now please?" I ask standing up.

"Why are you out of bed?" Steve snaps.

"I'm not Rapunzel you can't keep me locked in my tower." I walk over and grab the ice cream container off the floor and walk to the kitchen to grab a spoon.

"No one is going to focus on the fact that Scarlette just said 'kids'?" Tony asks.

"I didn't say kids." I spew defensively.

"Yes you did, you said kids." Tony stands up pointing at me. "Spill."

"Maybe later. I'm tired I think I'm going to sleep." I turn to walk out.

"Tired, are you feeling okay? Do you need anything?" Steve says cradling me in his arms. I need a crow bar to get them off.

"Steve," I place my hands on his chest. "I'm fine. I just don't feel like being bombarded with questions right now." I pat his chest signaling to let me go.

He eventually drops them to his side in defeat and I walk back to my room.

Not five minutes later Nat walks in plopping down on the bed next to me.

"So when are you going to tell everyone they're your kids." She asks.

"Haha funny, I'm not."

"Oh common. Why not?"

"What am I supposed to say to everyone 'Hey everyone Wanda and Pietro are my kids. Steve I hope you don't mind going out with me and taking on the roll as father to my two children whom I haven't seen in years because they were taken from me and their father is someone I can't tell you because you'd flip'." I sarcastically laugh out.

"I meant telling the twins. Not everyone else."

"They already know."

Steves POV

"Give her time Steve, babying her will only push her away." Nat says following in the direction Scarlette went.

"Give her time Rogers. Older Romanoff is right. You can't baby her. You'll push her away." Tony pats my shoulder walking off.

Why do I need to give her space. Incase she hasn't noticed, she DIED!



I walk over to the couch and sit down next to Clint. I put my head in my hands and shake my head aggressively and let out a loud groan.

"She doesn't get it. How does her dying not bother her?"

"Steve, it's Lette. If it doesn't bother her drop it. She won't talk to you if you keep nagging her about this. Hell she might even kill you. But take it from me. Space."

"I don't want to give her space."

"You might have to if you want her to keep talking to you. She's strong and independent. You acting like her dad won't make her want to be around you." He pats me on the back. "Give her space." With that he walks off with the twins. 

I'm alone in the room now. 

Alone with my thoughts. 

I feel like I'm drowning in the decision of whether to leave her alone or not.

Do I keep bugging her acting like her father?

Or, do I give her space and let her come to me if she needs anything?"

I want to choose the latter but decide against it. 

I throw my body into the couch when my phone vibrates with a message from Sam.

"We found him..." 

Hey guys sorry for no update this week. I'm on break and hopefully can get you new chapters written to be published in the future. I'm also writing a Draco Malfoy fix, so go check that out if you want. 

My tiktok for it is s_malfoy04

I'm debating on making one for this story. Let me know.

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