Chapter 28

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Steves POV

It's been a week and she hasn't woken up. The doctors had to put her into a medically induced coma. She hasn't woken up yet. The doctors told us she could of lost her memory and won't know who anyone is if she wakes up. 


They don't even know if she'll wake up anytime soon. 

I haven't left the med wing since she got here. But I haven't gone into her room. I'm afraid to see her like that. 

Tony is having her transferred to the new compound later today of nothing else happens. I'm afraid of what could happen on the way there. I'm afraid she'll never wake up. I'll never get see those gorgeous blue-green eyes, or kiss those soft pink lips, never hold her in my arms again. 

I fell the emptiness, once again. It's like coming out of the ice once again and how I felt when I lost Peggy.


I need to see Peggy.

Is it terrible I want to talk to my first love about my recent, love?

Am I in love with Scarlette?

"Steve?" Natasha snaps me out of mt thoughts. "What's on your mind?"

"Lette, what else."

She lets out a low chuckle, "Worrying about her won't wake up her up."

"I know it won't Nat. It's my fault she didn't get to the boat. I couldn't grab her." I snap.

"Steve, she was far away from you. There's nothing you could have done."

"I could have made her stick to my side like I wanted."

"She wouldn't have listened to you. You know that." She lets out a large sigh, "Look, I don't believe this crap and it's too touchy feely for me but, the doctors said if you talk to her, she can hear you and it could potentially wake her up. Let her be calm so when we move her, she doesn't freak out in her coma causing cardiac arrest or something like that."

I can tell how uncomfortable that would make Nat. She's not a touchy-feely person, nor does she believe that talking to someone in a coma can wake them up. But I'll try anything at this point.

"Steve, if you don't see her now, you'll regret it if she never wakes up." 

I suck in a deep breath and hang my head between my shoulders, "I know Nat. I just-I don't want my last memory to be her laying on a bed clinging to life."

"I don't either. She'll pull through though. She's suffered far worse than this." I want to ask what, but Nat pulls me up and shoves me through the door way of Lette's room. 

When I see her lying there, still as the dead, my breath catches in my throat. I feel the tears well up in my eyes, they start to burn. There's a tightness in my neck that wells up into my ears. I can feel the tears wanting to slip from my eyes as it starts to burn. I blink them back but it's no use. 

Natasha closes the door, trapping me in the room with Lette's unconscious body. The room is cold. The whirring of the air conditioner is the only noise aside from the beeping of the heart monitor. It's slow and steady, I'm afraid of the silence that may follow.

I walk up to her bed and drag a chair over. Her blonde hair is perfectly sitting at her shoulders. Her skin is paler than usual. She looks like Snow White, but with long blonde hair. I grab her—clammy feeling—hand and sit on the chair. 

I take in a deep breath, "Hey Lette, god I feel so stupid." I look at the ceiling letting out a low chuckle. "I don't know-actually I don't even think you can hear me, but we won. Everyone is safe. Wanda, Pietro, Clint, Nat, me. You saved us all, hell even proved to Tony you can be trusted to save us." I watch the rise and fall of her chest. Her breathing is shallow. I keep watching her chest intently afraid it might just stop. 

"Steve." Nat storms into the room. "Let go of her hand before you break it." 

I look down to see the death grip I have on her hand. I pull my hand away, "I don't know what I'm doing Nat. I just-she-looking at her like that-like this," I gesture at her, "it hurts, a lot. I just-I can't Natasha it hurts too much." 

"Steve, you acting this way and falling apart won't help her."

"You don't think I know that?" I notice the heart monitor beeping faster. We both turn to look at her. The doctors come rushing in.

"You need to leave." The doctors come storming trying to shove us out.

"What's happening?" I yell.

"You need to leave." He tells me again.

"No, I won't leave her." More doctors come in to pull me back. I keep trying to shove them off me. Nat comes up from behind pulling me back. "Lette!" I scream one last time before I see the doors close."

"Steve stop." Nats still trying to keep me from going back to the room. "You acting this way won't help her." 

"I need-" I start crying warm tears falling down my face as I watch as the doctor's wheel Lette out of the room and down the hall. I try and go after them, but two arms wrap around me.

"Captain you must stop this it won't do her any good." Thor tells me. I try and struggle from his grip but it's no use, guys a God. 

After five minutes of struggling from his grip, I give up. He loosens his grip and lets me go. 

"I need to know she's okay." My voice is weak. On the verge of breaking.

"Steve, she's dealt with worse trust me," Nat puts her hand on my shoulder, "She'll pull through."

"She better because I don't know what I'm gonna do if she doesn't."


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